Flooding and stormwater management
Flooding and stormwater management
We are undertaking various flood and stormwater management initiatives, aimed at building a more resilient and liveable Manningham and to facilitate robust planning for the future.
This page provides information relating to the Integrated Water Management Strategy and Manningham Flood Mapping Project.
Integrated Water Management Strategy
The Manningham Flood Mapping Project will inform the development of Manningham Council’s Integrated Water Management Strategy.
This strategy will review flooding and stormwater management risks and respond to emerging challenges, including:
- population growth
- development pressure;
- climate change and associated increasing flood and drought risk.
Integrated Water Management is a collaborative approach to the way we plan for and manage all elements of the water cycle. It considers opportunities to treat stormwater as a resource, rather than a waste for disposal.
The Integrated Water Management Strategy will identify opportunities to reduce reliance on potable water, consider alternative water sources and contribute to planning for a resilient and liveable Manningham.
Integrated Water Management: Why, What, How?
An animated video by DELWP and Clearwater to demonstrate how Integrated Water Management can help all Victorians.
Manningham Flood Mapping Project
Under Regulation 148 of the Building Regulations 2018, Council is now required to prepare mapping for areas under its control that are liable to flooding.
Planned for completion in 2025, the Manningham Flood Mapping Project is being delivered by Melbourne Water and Manningham Council.
It will provide maps indicating flood extents for the regional and local drainage networks in Manningham, for a range of probable storm events.
Flood mapping involves computer modelling, which simulates how stormwater runoff travels through catchments.
Current and reliable flood mapping information is essential to understand and manage flood risk. It is used to:
- assess the frequency, severity and location of flood risks within catchments
- better plan and prioritise mitigation activities
- plan for future development
- build community awareness; and
- inform emergency management planning.
The flood mapping process will also be informed by the latest available data and guidance recommended under the 2019 version of Australian Rainfall and Runoff.
A new Stormwater Management Strategy for Manningham
We’re developing a Stormwater Management Strategy to help identify, manage and reduce flood risk to people, property, infrastructure and the environment.
The Strategy will guide our planning and investment in the long-term Capital Works Program to support a healthy, safe and resilient community.
Please leave your question below using our Q&A tool, or contact Council on 9840 9333, or at manningham@manningham.vic.gov.au.
Flooding and stormwater management
We are undertaking various flood and stormwater management initiatives, aimed at building a more resilient and liveable Manningham and to facilitate robust planning for the future.
This page provides information relating to the Integrated Water Management Strategy and Manningham Flood Mapping Project.
Integrated Water Management Strategy
The Manningham Flood Mapping Project will inform the development of Manningham Council’s Integrated Water Management Strategy.
This strategy will review flooding and stormwater management risks and respond to emerging challenges, including:
- population growth
- development pressure;
- climate change and associated increasing flood and drought risk.
Integrated Water Management is a collaborative approach to the way we plan for and manage all elements of the water cycle. It considers opportunities to treat stormwater as a resource, rather than a waste for disposal.
The Integrated Water Management Strategy will identify opportunities to reduce reliance on potable water, consider alternative water sources and contribute to planning for a resilient and liveable Manningham.
Integrated Water Management: Why, What, How?
An animated video by DELWP and Clearwater to demonstrate how Integrated Water Management can help all Victorians.
Manningham Flood Mapping Project
Under Regulation 148 of the Building Regulations 2018, Council is now required to prepare mapping for areas under its control that are liable to flooding.
Planned for completion in 2025, the Manningham Flood Mapping Project is being delivered by Melbourne Water and Manningham Council.
It will provide maps indicating flood extents for the regional and local drainage networks in Manningham, for a range of probable storm events.
Flood mapping involves computer modelling, which simulates how stormwater runoff travels through catchments.
Current and reliable flood mapping information is essential to understand and manage flood risk. It is used to:
- assess the frequency, severity and location of flood risks within catchments
- better plan and prioritise mitigation activities
- plan for future development
- build community awareness; and
- inform emergency management planning.
The flood mapping process will also be informed by the latest available data and guidance recommended under the 2019 version of Australian Rainfall and Runoff.
A new Stormwater Management Strategy for Manningham
We’re developing a Stormwater Management Strategy to help identify, manage and reduce flood risk to people, property, infrastructure and the environment.
The Strategy will guide our planning and investment in the long-term Capital Works Program to support a healthy, safe and resilient community.
Please leave your question below using our Q&A tool, or contact Council on 9840 9333, or at manningham@manningham.vic.gov.au.
Integrated Water Management Strategy, Implementation Plan endorsed by Council
Share Integrated Water Management Strategy, Implementation Plan endorsed by Council on Facebook Share Integrated Water Management Strategy, Implementation Plan endorsed by Council on Twitter Share Integrated Water Management Strategy, Implementation Plan endorsed by Council on Linkedin Email Integrated Water Management Strategy, Implementation Plan endorsed by Council linkCouncil has endorsed an Implementation Plan to guide the development of our Integrated Water Management (IWM) Strategy.
IWM is a collaborative approach to the way we plan for and manage water as a valuable resource.
There are mounting pressures on the management of our water resources arising from a variety of drivers, including climate change and population growth.
The Strategy will deliver a proactive approach to address these risks. It will help us secure a resilient, liveable and sustainable future for Manningham.
A Flooding and Stormwater Management Community Reference Panel will be formed in late July. It will provide a community voice to guide the development of the IWM Strategy.
In September, an external IWM consultant will be appointed to further assist us in developing the Strategy.
More information:
Please contact Manningham Council on 9840 9333, or at manningham@manningham.vic.gov.au.
Corrective Planning Scheme Amendment C137mann, Update
Share Corrective Planning Scheme Amendment C137mann, Update on Facebook Share Corrective Planning Scheme Amendment C137mann, Update on Twitter Share Corrective Planning Scheme Amendment C137mann, Update on Linkedin Email Corrective Planning Scheme Amendment C137mann, Update linkIn May, Council received authorisation from the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning (DELWP) to prepare Corrective Planning Scheme Amendment C137mann, under delegation from the Minister for Planning.
The purpose of the amendment is to correct Special Building Overlay Schedule 1 (SBO1), as it applies to 39 properties in and around Hillcroft Drive, Templestowe.
Whilst Council was granted exemption from notification, Council was still required to notify all Prescribed Ministers, providing a period of 14 days for submissions on the proposed amendment. No submissions were received.
The details for individual properties contained within Amendment C137mann remain unchanged from those previously provided to property owners.
On Tuesday 26 July 2022, Council will consider adopting Amendment C137mann.
If Council resolves to adopt the Amendment, it will then be forwarded to the Minister for Planning for approval.
26 July 2022 Council meeting
The Council meeting will commence at 7.00pm in the Council Chamber at 699 Doncaster Road, Doncaster.
Members of the public can now attend Council meetings in person or view the live stream on our Facebook page.
The agenda will be available for viewing at the Council Offices, located at 699 Doncaster Road and on our website from Friday 22 July 2022.
Following the meeting, we will inform you of Council’s resolution and next steps in the planning scheme amendment process. The minutes will be available here.
How to submit a question to Council
To ask a question of Council on this proposal, or other matters:
- complete the Public Question Time Form
- submit your question via email to GovernanceTeam@manningham.vic.gov.au by 5.00pm Monday, 25 July 2022.
To view all key timings for the proposed Amendment C137mann process, please refer to this timeline.
Integrated Water Management Strategy
Council will also consider a report on the proposed Integrated Water Management Strategy at the July Council meeting.
The report seeks Council endorsement of the Implementation Plan, which will guide the development of the Strategy.
We will provide an update to inform you of Council’s resolution following the meeting.
Please contact Manningham Council on 9840 9333, or at manningham@manningham.vic.gov.au.
Expressions of interest for Manningham Flooding and Stormwater Management Community Reference Panel, closing date extended
Share Expressions of interest for Manningham Flooding and Stormwater Management Community Reference Panel, closing date extended on Facebook Share Expressions of interest for Manningham Flooding and Stormwater Management Community Reference Panel, closing date extended on Twitter Share Expressions of interest for Manningham Flooding and Stormwater Management Community Reference Panel, closing date extended on Linkedin Email Expressions of interest for Manningham Flooding and Stormwater Management Community Reference Panel, closing date extended linkTogether with the community, we want to better understand Manningham’s flooding and stormwater management challenges and consider the best ways to address them.
We’re calling for expressions of interest (EOI) from community members to join a Community Reference Panel. The closing date for EOIs has now been extended to midnight Friday 17 June 2022.
You can register your interest online or pick up an application form from the Manningham Civic Centre.
Corrective Planning Scheme Amendment C137mann, Update
Share Corrective Planning Scheme Amendment C137mann, Update on Facebook Share Corrective Planning Scheme Amendment C137mann, Update on Twitter Share Corrective Planning Scheme Amendment C137mann, Update on Linkedin Email Corrective Planning Scheme Amendment C137mann, Update linkCouncil has received authorisation from the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning (DELWP) to prepare Corrective Planning Scheme Amendment C137mann, under delegation from the Minister for Planning.
The purpose of the amendment is to correct Special Building Overlay Schedule 1 (SBO1), as it applies to 39 properties in and around Hillcroft Drive, Templestowe.
DELWP has also supported an exemption from the public notice requirements of section 19 of the Planning and Environment Act 1987. This exemption however does not apply to the notification of Prescribed Ministers.
Letters have been forwarded to the Prescribed Ministers today to seek their views on the amendment, allowing 14 days for response.
Following this engagement period, a report will be prepared for the Council meeting of 26 July 2022 to consider the adoption of Amendment C137mann. Subject to Council’s resolution, the Amendment will then be forwarded to the Minister for Planning for approval.
We will advise you of when the July Council meeting agenda will be publicly available for viewing.
After the meeting, we will again inform you of Council’s resolution and next steps in the planning scheme amendment process.
Proposed Amendment C137mann process timeline.
More information
Contact Manningham Council on 9840 9333, or at manningham@manningham.vic.gov.au.
Ministerial request for authorisation of proposed Corrective Planning Scheme Amendment C137mann
Share Ministerial request for authorisation of proposed Corrective Planning Scheme Amendment C137mann on Facebook Share Ministerial request for authorisation of proposed Corrective Planning Scheme Amendment C137mann on Twitter Share Ministerial request for authorisation of proposed Corrective Planning Scheme Amendment C137mann on Linkedin Email Ministerial request for authorisation of proposed Corrective Planning Scheme Amendment C137mann linkMelbourne Water has requested Council support for a corrective amendment to the Manningham Planning Scheme, to be known as Amendment C137mann.
The proposed amendment seeks to remove or amend the flood overlay (Special Building Overlay 1 - SBO1), as it affects 39 properties in and around Hillcroft Drive, Templestowe.
We are pleased to advise that at its meeting of 26 April, Council resolved in summary to:
- Seek ministerial authorisation from the Minister for Planning to prepare an amendment to the Manningham Planning Scheme, to remove or reduce the extent of Special Building Overlay 1 (SBO1), as it applies to properties in and around Hillcroft Drive, Templestowe.
- Apply to the Minister for an exemption from the notice requirements of the Act.
Council officers will now write to the Minister for Planning to seek authorisation and an exemption from public notification of the amendment. Subject to any conditions set by the Minister, we expect to receive authorisation within 10 business days.
We will then need to engage with the prescribed ministers for a period of 14 days to seek their views on the amendment.
Following this engagement period, a report will be prepared for the Council meeting of 26 July 2022 to consider the adoption of Amendment C137mann, before forwarding it to the Minister for Planning for approval.
We will advise you of when the July Council meeting agenda will be publicly available for viewing. After the meeting, we will again inform you of Council’s resolution and next steps in the planning scheme amendment process.
Proposed Amendment C137mann process timeline.
More information
Contact Manningham Council on 9840 9333, or at manningham@manningham.vic.gov.au.
Expressions of interest, help shape flooding and stormwater management in Manningham
Share Expressions of interest, help shape flooding and stormwater management in Manningham on Facebook Share Expressions of interest, help shape flooding and stormwater management in Manningham on Twitter Share Expressions of interest, help shape flooding and stormwater management in Manningham on Linkedin Email Expressions of interest, help shape flooding and stormwater management in Manningham linkTogether with the community, we want to better understand Manningham’s water and flood management challenges and consider the best ways to address them.
From Tuesday 3 May, we’re calling for expressions of interest (EOI) from community members to join a Community Reference Panel.
The panel will help guide the development of the:
- Manningham Flood Mapping Project
- Integrated Water Management Strategy
The Community Reference Panel will help us better understand the increasing flooding and stormwater management challenges facing the community. These challenges relate to climate change, development pressure and population growth.
Manningham Mayor, Cr Michelle Kleinert, said she is proud Council is engaging with the community and proactively addressing these challenges now.
Flood mapping will be undertaken in accordance with Regulation 148 of the Building Regulations 2018.
This information will help us:
- forecast the likelihood and impact of floods
- understand flood risk
- plan mitigation activities
“It’s essential that we partner with the community to inform our strategic direction and implementation plans. The Community Reference Panel will support quality decision making, best placing us to proactively and sustainably meet the challenges ahead,” she said.
“We’ve seen recent flood events devastate communities across southern Queensland and northern New South Wales, demonstrating how climate impacts are changing and likely to worsen.
“We’re committed to engaging with our community and working closely with State agencies, including Melbourne Water, to ensure the long-term sustainability, resilience and liveability of Manningham,” Cr Kleinert said.
The panel will consist of:
- an independent facilitator
- community members
- Councillors
- Council officer representatives
- subject matter experts
The term of the Community Reference Panel will be a maximum of four years.
You can register your interest online or pick up an application form from the Manningham Civic Centre.
The EOI process will close on Friday 27 May 2022.
Learn more about flooding and stormwater management on Your Say Manningham
Share Learn more about flooding and stormwater management on Your Say Manningham on Facebook Share Learn more about flooding and stormwater management on Your Say Manningham on Twitter Share Learn more about flooding and stormwater management on Your Say Manningham on Linkedin Email Learn more about flooding and stormwater management on Your Say Manningham linkWe’re updating our Your Say Manningham Flood Mapping page.
From Friday, 29 April 2022, more information about Council’s flooding and stormwater management initiatives will be available on the page, including the Manningham Flood Mapping Project and Integrated Water Management Strategy.
All information relating to proposed Amendment C137mann, Hillcroft Drive, Templestowe, will remain available on the page.
The URL will be updated to yoursay.manningham.vic.gov.au/flood-and-water-management, however you can also use the existing Flood Mapping URL to access this page.
April Council meeting agenda
Share April Council meeting agenda on Facebook Share April Council meeting agenda on Twitter Share April Council meeting agenda on Linkedin Email April Council meeting agenda linkThe April Council meeting agenda is now available on the Manningham Council website.
Meeting date: Tuesday, 26 April 2022
Time: 7:00pm
Location: Council Chambers, 699 Doncaster Road Doncaster
Council will consider the following flood and water management matters at its April meeting:
- Proposed Amendment C137mann: Before preparing a planning scheme amendment, Council must formally resolve to seek authorisation from the Minister for Planning. This will be considered at the April meeting.
- Expressions of Interest, Community Reference Panel: Council will also consider a report on the Manningham Flood Mapping Project. The report recommends that Council call Expressions of Interest to form a Community Reference Panel.
Members of the public can now attend Council meetings in person or view the live stream on our Facebook page.
Following the meeting, minutes will also be available here.
To view all key timings for the proposed Amendment C137mann process, please refer to this timeline or 'Key timings' in the right hand column of the Your Say Manningham Flood Mapping page.
How to submit a question to Council
To ask Council a question on this proposal or other matters:
- Complete the Public Question Time Form.
- Submit your question via email to GovernanceTeam@manningham.vic.gov.au by 5.00pm Monday 25 April 2022 to receive a response at the meeting.
You will have the opportunity to attend the meeting and read out your question or you can have your question read out by our CEO.
Proposed Corrective Planning Scheme Amendment C137mann, Update
Share Proposed Corrective Planning Scheme Amendment C137mann, Update on Facebook Share Proposed Corrective Planning Scheme Amendment C137mann, Update on Twitter Share Proposed Corrective Planning Scheme Amendment C137mann, Update on Linkedin Email Proposed Corrective Planning Scheme Amendment C137mann, Update linkProposed Corrective Planning Scheme Amendment C137mann, Update
On 28 February 2022, Council received a formal request from Melbourne Water for a planning scheme amendment, to be considered under Section 20(2) of the Planning and Environment Act 1987.
The purpose of the proposed amendment is to correct Special Building Overlay Schedule 1 (SBO1), as it applies to 39 properties in and around Hillcroft Drive, Templestowe.
In March, Council officers received a petition from 18 signatories from properties where the SBO1 is proposed to be removed, requesting that Manningham Council accept Melbourne Water’s request. This petition was tabled at the 22 March 2022 Council meeting.
Officers also met with interested property owners in March to discuss the impacts of the proposed planning scheme amendment for their properties.
Council meeting, 26 April 2022
Before preparing a planning scheme amendment, Council must formally resolve to seek authorisation from the Minister for Planning.
Council will consider this matter at its next meeting on Tuesday 26 April 2022 at 7:00pm in the Council Chambers, 699 Doncaster Road Doncaster.
The meeting agenda will be published no later than close of business Thursday 21 April 2022 on our website.
Members of the public can now attend Council meetings in person or view the live stream on our Facebook page.
Following the meeting, minutes will also be available here.
To view all key timings for the proposed Amendment C137mann process, please refer to this timeline.
How to submit a question to Council
To ask Council a question on this proposal or other matters:
- Complete the Public Question Time Form.
- Submit your question via email to GovernanceTeam@manningham.vic.gov.au by 5.00pm Monday 25 April 2022 to receive a response at the meeting.
You will have the opportunity to attend the meeting and read out your question or you can have your question read out by our CEO.
Manningham Flood Mapping Project and Integrated Water Management Strategy
Council will also consider a report on the Manningham Flood Mapping Project at the April Council meeting. The report recommends that Council call Expressions of Interest to form a Community Reference Panel.
It is proposed that the Community Reference Panel work with Council officers through the development of the Manningham Flood Mapping project and Integrated Water Management Strategy. Should Council support this proposal, a call for Expressions of Interest will be advertised in early May.
Please contact Manningham Council on 9840 9333, or at manningham@manningham.vic.gov.au.
Register for digital mail
Share Register for digital mail on Facebook Share Register for digital mail on Twitter Share Register for digital mail on Linkedin Email Register for digital mail linkIf you would prefer to receive future correspondence regarding proposed Planning Scheme Amendment C137mann via email, and be removed from our print database, please complete this form.
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Water cycle in an urban environment - factsheet
- Water Cycle in an urban environment - factsheet.pdf (449 KB) (pdf)
- Arabic_Water Cycle in an urban environment - factsheet.pdf (336 KB) (pdf)
- Chinese (Simplified)_Water Cycle in an urban environment - factsheet.pdf (309 KB) (pdf)
- Chinese (Traditional)_Water Cycle in an urban environment - factsheet.pdf (320 KB) (pdf)
- Farsi_Water Cycle in an urban environment - factsheet.pdf (320 KB) (pdf)
- Greek_Water Cycle in an urban environment - factsheet.pdf (311 KB) (pdf)
- Italian_Water Cycle in an urban environment - factsheet.pdf (252 KB) (pdf)
Integrated Water Management - factsheet
- Integrated Water Management - factsheet.pdf (623 KB) (pdf)
- Arabic_Integrated Water Management - factsheet.pdf (234 KB) (pdf)
- Chinese (Simplified)_Integrated Water Management - factsheet.pdf (255 KB) (pdf)
- Chinese (Traditional)_Integrated Water Management - factsheet.pdf (266 KB) (pdf)
- Farsi_Integrated Water Management - factsheet.pdf (236 KB) (pdf)
- Greek_Integrated Water Management - factsheet.pdf (249 KB) (pdf)
- Italian_Integrated Water Management - factsheet.pdf (199 KB) (pdf)
- Integrated Water Management Strategy
Flooding and Stormwater Management - Community Reference Panel
- Minutes Community Reference Panel (CRP) Meeting #9 - 15 August 24.PDF (184 KB) (PDF)
- Minutes Community Reference Panel (CRP) Meeting #8 - 13 June 24.PDF (136 KB) (PDF)
- Minutes Community Reference Panel (CRP) Meeting #7 - 27 March 24.PDF (163 KB) (PDF)
- Minutes Community Reference Panel (CRP) Meeting #6 - 9 November 2023.PDF (158 KB) (PDF)
- Minutes Community Reference Panel (CRP) Meeting #5 - 7 September 2023-.PDF (185 KB) (pdf)
- Minutes Community Reference Panel Meeting # 4 - 31 May 2023.pdf (165 KB) (pdf)
- Minutes Community Reference Panel Meeting # 3 - 29 March 2023.pdf (143 KB) (pdf)
- Minutes Community Reference Panel (CRP) Meeting # 2 - 15 December 2022.pdf (170 KB) (pdf)
- Minutes Community Reference Panel (CRP) Meeting #1- 9 November 2022.pdf (152 KB) (pdf)
- Flooding and Stormwater Community Reference Panel Terms of Reference - August 2024.pdf (149 KB) (pdf)
- Flooding and Stormwater Management - EOI form 2024.pdf (90.4 KB) (pdf)
- Community Reference Panel - Expressions of Interest - Overview - August 2024.pdf (57.1 KB) (pdf)
- Community Reference Panel Terms of Reference - May 2022.pdf (141 KB) (pdf)
- Flooding and Stormwater Management - Overview.pdf (56.9 KB) (pdf)
- General
- Stormwater Management Strategy FAQs_June 2024.pdf (224 KB) (pdf)
FAQs - Please note the FAQs may be amended to provide further information or clarity as required.
- Integrated Water Management Strategy
Flood Overlay FAQs
- What are the respective responsibilities of Melbourne Water and Manningham Council?
- Why does flooding occur?
- What is a flood overlay?
- What is a Special Building Overlay (SBO)?
- Why has a flood overlay been applied to my property?
- How can my property be considered subject to flooding when it has never flooded?
- What is a 1% AEP storm event?
Manningham Flood Mapping Project FAQs
- What is flood mapping?
- What is a catchment?
- Why is Manningham Council planning to undertake flood mapping?
- How is fit for purpose flood mapping achieved?
- How will the Manningham Flood Mapping Project be delivered?
- How are overland flows generated?
- What are the respective responsibilities of Melbourne Water, Council and property owners in drainage management?
- How does flooding occur?
- What is the difference between riverine and flash flooding?
- Why is Council using different flood mapping methodology to Melbourne Water?
- How will the approach to the Manningham Flood Mapping Project vary from Council’s previous flood mapping project?
- What is LiDAR data and does it provide a suitable basis for flood mapping?
- Will the community have the opportunity to comment on the flood mapping results?
- Council resolved at its 27 September 2017 meeting to invest a total of $10.8 million in drainage upgrades over the following four (4) years. How is Council tracking with this commitment?
Planning Scheme Amendment Process
- What is a Planning Scheme Amendment?
- Will there be any new flood management overlays applied to the Manningham Planning Scheme as a result of the Manningham Flood Mapping Project?
- If Council did initiate a new planning scheme amendment process, could properties affected by Planning Scheme Amendment C137mann be impacted?
Community Reference Panel
- What is the purpose of the Community Reference Panel (CRP)?
- What is the role of the Community Reference Panel (CRP)?
- What are the criteria for the selection of CRP members?
- What are the relevant dates for the Expression of Interest period?
- How do I lodge an Expression of Interest?
- How frequently will meetings be held and what is the anticipated term of the CRP?
- What assistance can Council provide to meet specific CRP member needs?
This glossary provides definitions for technical terms that may be used in communications across our flooding and stormwater management initiatives.
- Aboriginal Victorians
- Algal blooms
- Assets
- Biodiversity
- Catchment
- Climate change
- Climate change mitigation
- Community
- Connectivity
- Ecosystem
- Environmental water
- Fit for purpose (water quality)
- Flash flooding
- Floodplain
- Flow
- Green-blue infrastructure
- Greenfield land
- Groundwater
- Heritage River Area
- Impervious area
- Infill
- Infrastructure
- Integrated water management (IWM)
- Liveability
- Open space
- Potable
- Project
- Rainwater
- Recycled water
- Riparian
- Riverine flooding
- Runoff
- Sewage
- Sewerage
- Stormwater
- Stormwater flooding
- Traditional Owners
- Urban greening
- Urban heat-island effect
- Urban renewal
- Urban water cycle
- Use (water use)
- Wastewater
- Water infrastructure
- Water sensitive urban design (WSUD)
- Waterways
- Wetlands
Glossary terms and definitions have been sourced from the Yarra Strategic Directions Statement, September 2018 (Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action - DEECA)
Flooding and Stormwater Management Community Reference Panel members
Councillor Carli Lange
Community Reference Panel members:
Maurice Burley
Tim Curmi
Robyn Gillespie
Paul Harris
Don Hughes
Ken Keam
Sarah Moser
Peter Sommerville
Vincent Testa
Councillor representatives:
Councillor Geoff Gough
Councillor Stephen Mayne
Nicola Mendleson, Mendleson Engagement and Communication