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Flooding and stormwater management
We are undertaking various flood and stormwater management initiatives, aimed at building a more resilient and liveable Manningham and to facilitate robust planning for the future.
This page provides information relating to the Integrated Water Management Strategy and Manningham Flood Mapping Project.
Integrated Water Management Strategy
The Manningham Flood Mapping Project will inform the development of Manningham Council’s Integrated Water Management Strategy.
This strategy will review flooding and stormwater management risks and respond to emerging challenges, including:
population growth
development pressure;
climate change and associated increasing flood and drought risk.
Integrated Water Management is a collaborative approach to the way we plan for and manage all elements of the water cycle. It considers opportunities to treat stormwater as a resource, rather than a waste for disposal.
The Integrated Water Management Strategy will identify opportunities to reduce reliance on potable water, consider alternative water sources and contribute to planning for a resilient and liveable Manningham.
Integrated Water Management: Why, What, How?
An animated video by DELWP and Clearwater to demonstrate how Integrated Water Management can help all Victorians.
Manningham Flood Mapping Project
Under Regulation 148 of the Building Regulations 2018, Council is now required to prepare mapping for areas under its control that are liable to flooding.
Planned for completion in 2025, the Manningham Flood Mapping Project is being delivered by Melbourne Water and Manningham Council.
It will provide maps indicating flood extents for the regional and local drainage networks in Manningham, for a range of probable storm events.
Flood mapping involves computer modelling, which simulates how stormwater runoff travels through catchments.
Current and reliable flood mapping information is essential to understand and manage flood risk. It is used to:
assess the frequency, severity and location of flood risks within catchments
better plan and prioritise mitigation activities
plan for future development
build community awareness; and
inform emergency management planning.
The flood mapping process will also be informed by the latest available data and guidance recommended under the 2019 version of Australian Rainfall and Runoff.
A new Stormwater Management Strategy for Manningham
We’re developing a Stormwater Management Strategy to help identify, manage and reduce flood risk to people, property, infrastructure and the environment.
The Strategy will guide our planning and investment in the long-term Capital Works Program to support a healthy, safe and resilient community.
We are undertaking various flood and stormwater management initiatives, aimed at building a more resilient and liveable Manningham and to facilitate robust planning for the future.
This page provides information relating to the Integrated Water Management Strategy and Manningham Flood Mapping Project.
Integrated Water Management Strategy
The Manningham Flood Mapping Project will inform the development of Manningham Council’s Integrated Water Management Strategy.
This strategy will review flooding and stormwater management risks and respond to emerging challenges, including:
population growth
development pressure;
climate change and associated increasing flood and drought risk.
Integrated Water Management is a collaborative approach to the way we plan for and manage all elements of the water cycle. It considers opportunities to treat stormwater as a resource, rather than a waste for disposal.
The Integrated Water Management Strategy will identify opportunities to reduce reliance on potable water, consider alternative water sources and contribute to planning for a resilient and liveable Manningham.
Integrated Water Management: Why, What, How?
An animated video by DELWP and Clearwater to demonstrate how Integrated Water Management can help all Victorians.
Manningham Flood Mapping Project
Under Regulation 148 of the Building Regulations 2018, Council is now required to prepare mapping for areas under its control that are liable to flooding.
Planned for completion in 2025, the Manningham Flood Mapping Project is being delivered by Melbourne Water and Manningham Council.
It will provide maps indicating flood extents for the regional and local drainage networks in Manningham, for a range of probable storm events.
Flood mapping involves computer modelling, which simulates how stormwater runoff travels through catchments.
Current and reliable flood mapping information is essential to understand and manage flood risk. It is used to:
assess the frequency, severity and location of flood risks within catchments
better plan and prioritise mitigation activities
plan for future development
build community awareness; and
inform emergency management planning.
The flood mapping process will also be informed by the latest available data and guidance recommended under the 2019 version of Australian Rainfall and Runoff.
A new Stormwater Management Strategy for Manningham
We’re developing a Stormwater Management Strategy to help identify, manage and reduce flood risk to people, property, infrastructure and the environment.
The Strategy will guide our planning and investment in the long-term Capital Works Program to support a healthy, safe and resilient community.
Click here to play video
Integrated Water Management: Why, What, How?
DELWP and Clearwater have partnered to produce this animated video to demonstrate how Integrated Water Management can help all Victorians.
Click here to play video
Water Stories, John Rogan
FAQs - Please note the FAQs may be amended to provide further information or clarity as required.
Glossary terms and definitions have been sourced from the Yarra Strategic Directions Statement, September 2018 (Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action - DEECA)
Flooding and Stormwater Management Community Reference Panel members
Councillor Carli Lange
Community Reference Panel members:
Maurice Burley
Tim Curmi
Robyn Gillespie
Paul Harris
Don Hughes
Ken Keam
Sarah Moser
Peter Sommerville
Vincent Testa
Councillor representatives:
Councillor Geoff Gough
Councillor Stephen Mayne
Nicola Mendleson, Mendleson Engagement and Communication
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