Corrective Planning Scheme Amendment C137mann, Update
In May, Council received authorisation from the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning (DELWP) to prepare Corrective Planning Scheme Amendment C137mann, under delegation from the Minister for Planning.
The purpose of the amendment is to correct Special Building Overlay Schedule 1 (SBO1), as it applies to 39 properties in and around Hillcroft Drive, Templestowe.
Whilst Council was granted exemption from notification, Council was still required to notify all Prescribed Ministers, providing a period of 14 days for submissions on the proposed amendment. No submissions were received.
The details for individual properties contained within Amendment C137mann remain unchanged from those previously provided to property owners.
On Tuesday 26 July 2022, Council will consider adopting Amendment C137mann.
If Council resolves to adopt the Amendment, it will then be forwarded to the Minister for Planning for approval.
26 July 2022 Council meeting
The Council meeting will commence at 7.00pm in the Council Chamber at 699 Doncaster Road, Doncaster.
Members of the public can now attend Council meetings in person or view the live stream on our Facebook page.
The agenda will be available for viewing at the Council Offices, located at 699 Doncaster Road and on our website from Friday 22 July 2022.
Following the meeting, we will inform you of Council’s resolution and next steps in the planning scheme amendment process. The minutes will be available here.
How to submit a question to Council
To ask a question of Council on this proposal, or other matters:
- complete the Public Question Time Form
- submit your question via email to by 5.00pm Monday, 25 July 2022.
To view all key timings for the proposed Amendment C137mann process, please refer to this timeline.
Integrated Water Management Strategy
Council will also consider a report on the proposed Integrated Water Management Strategy at the July Council meeting.
The report seeks Council endorsement of the Implementation Plan, which will guide the development of the Strategy.
We will provide an update to inform you of Council’s resolution following the meeting.
Please contact Manningham Council on 9840 9333, or at
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