Flooding and stormwater management

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Flooding and stormwater management

We are undertaking various flood and stormwater management initiatives, aimed at building a more resilient and liveable Manningham and to facilitate robust planning for the future.

This page provides information relating to the Integrated Water Management Strategy and Manningham Flood Mapping Project.

Integrated Water Management Strategy

The Manningham Flood Mapping Project will inform the development of Manningham Council’s Integrated Water Management Strategy.

This strategy will review flooding and stormwater management risks and respond to emerging challenges, including:

  • population growth
  • development pressure;
  • climate change and associated increasing flood and drought risk.

Integrated Water Management is a collaborative approach to the way we plan for and manage all elements of the water cycle. It considers opportunities to treat stormwater as a resource, rather than a waste for disposal.

The Integrated Water Management Strategy will identify opportunities to reduce reliance on potable water, consider alternative water sources and contribute to planning for a resilient and liveable Manningham.

Integrated Water Management: Why, What, How?

An animated video by DELWP and Clearwater to demonstrate how Integrated Water Management can help all Victorians.

Manningham Flood Mapping Project

Under Regulation 148 of the Building Regulations 2018, Council is now required to prepare mapping for areas under its control that are liable to flooding.

Planned for completion in 2025, the Manningham Flood Mapping Project is being delivered by Melbourne Water and Manningham Council.

It will provide maps indicating flood extents for the regional and local drainage networks in Manningham, for a range of probable storm events.

Flood mapping involves computer modelling, which simulates how stormwater runoff travels through catchments.

Current and reliable flood mapping information is essential to understand and manage flood risk. It is used to:

  • assess the frequency, severity and location of flood risks within catchments
  • better plan and prioritise mitigation activities
  • plan for future development
  • build community awareness; and
  • inform emergency management planning.

The flood mapping process will also be informed by the latest available data and guidance recommended under the 2019 version of Australian Rainfall and Runoff.

Click here for information relating to Corrective Planning Scheme Amendment C137mann, Hillcroft Drive, Templestowe.

A new Stormwater Management Strategy for Manningham

We’re developing a Stormwater Management Strategy to help identify, manage and reduce flood risk to people, property, infrastructure and the environment.

The Strategy will guide our planning and investment in the long-term Capital Works Program to support a healthy, safe and resilient community.

Read more.


Please leave your question below using our Q&A tool, or contact Council on 9840 9333, or at manningham@manningham.vic.gov.au.

Flooding and stormwater management

We are undertaking various flood and stormwater management initiatives, aimed at building a more resilient and liveable Manningham and to facilitate robust planning for the future.

This page provides information relating to the Integrated Water Management Strategy and Manningham Flood Mapping Project.

Integrated Water Management Strategy

The Manningham Flood Mapping Project will inform the development of Manningham Council’s Integrated Water Management Strategy.

This strategy will review flooding and stormwater management risks and respond to emerging challenges, including:

  • population growth
  • development pressure;
  • climate change and associated increasing flood and drought risk.

Integrated Water Management is a collaborative approach to the way we plan for and manage all elements of the water cycle. It considers opportunities to treat stormwater as a resource, rather than a waste for disposal.

The Integrated Water Management Strategy will identify opportunities to reduce reliance on potable water, consider alternative water sources and contribute to planning for a resilient and liveable Manningham.

Integrated Water Management: Why, What, How?

An animated video by DELWP and Clearwater to demonstrate how Integrated Water Management can help all Victorians.

Manningham Flood Mapping Project

Under Regulation 148 of the Building Regulations 2018, Council is now required to prepare mapping for areas under its control that are liable to flooding.

Planned for completion in 2025, the Manningham Flood Mapping Project is being delivered by Melbourne Water and Manningham Council.

It will provide maps indicating flood extents for the regional and local drainage networks in Manningham, for a range of probable storm events.

Flood mapping involves computer modelling, which simulates how stormwater runoff travels through catchments.

Current and reliable flood mapping information is essential to understand and manage flood risk. It is used to:

  • assess the frequency, severity and location of flood risks within catchments
  • better plan and prioritise mitigation activities
  • plan for future development
  • build community awareness; and
  • inform emergency management planning.

The flood mapping process will also be informed by the latest available data and guidance recommended under the 2019 version of Australian Rainfall and Runoff.

Click here for information relating to Corrective Planning Scheme Amendment C137mann, Hillcroft Drive, Templestowe.

A new Stormwater Management Strategy for Manningham

We’re developing a Stormwater Management Strategy to help identify, manage and reduce flood risk to people, property, infrastructure and the environment.

The Strategy will guide our planning and investment in the long-term Capital Works Program to support a healthy, safe and resilient community.

Read more.


Please leave your question below using our Q&A tool, or contact Council on 9840 9333, or at manningham@manningham.vic.gov.au.

  • Flood mapping consultant appointed

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    Afflux Consulting Pty Ltd has been awarded the Manningham Flood Mapping contract. The project scope includes the modelling and mapping of flood extents, flow depths and velocities for Council extents for a range of scenarios.

    The Manningham Flood Mapping Project is being delivered by Manningham Council and Melbourne Water. This project will provide maps indicating flood extents for the regional and local drainage networks in Manningham. The flood mapping process will also be informed by the latest available data and guidance recommended under the 2019 version of Australian Rainfall and Runoff.

    Current and reliable flood mapping information is essential to understand and manage flood risk. It can be used to:

    • assess the frequency, severity and location of flood risks within catchments
    • better plan and prioritise mitigation activities
    • plan for future development
    • build community awareness; and
    • inform emergency management planning.

    Melbourne Water has appointed Jacobs consultants to undertake flood mapping for the regional flood extents.

    We are working alongside the Flooding and Stormwater Management Community Reference Panel (CRP) in the development of the flood mapping.

    Modelled flood extents will be publicly exhibited late in 2024.

  • Building our resilience through water management

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    We’re inviting the community to help prepare for Manningham’s future by sharing how you use and conserve water, and why it’s important to you via ‘Manningham's water future’ survey.

    Take the survey

    We rely on water for our personal health and household needs, as well as for creating and sustaining the ecosystems. It's integral to food production, energy, health and wellbeing, economic activity, social stability and human life.

    Southern Australia is forecast to receive less annual rainfall, reducing water availability from water supply catchments and increasing drought risk.

    Conversely, the changing rainfall patterns are also anticipated to bring greater intensity rainfall events, which will increase flood risk.

    Your responses will help us better understand community views, priorities, needs and expectations relating to Manningham’s water. We will also use this information to inform how we engage with and deliver information to you on water matters in the future.

    We’re undertaking various flood and stormwater management initiatives, aimed at building a more resilient and liveable Manningham. Part of this work includes developing a draft Integrated Water Management Strategy, which will be available for public exhibition in mid-2024. This strategy will respond to emerging water risks and challenges and identify opportunities to adapt to a more water constrained future

    The survey closes 5 June 2023. You will have the opportunity to enter the draw to win a $100 Westfield gift voucher.

  • Manningham’s water future survey, coming soon

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    Help us prepare for the City's future by telling us how you use and conserve water and why it’s important to you.

    Survey opens 24 April 2023.

  • Flooding and Stormwater Management Community Reference Panel Meeting 2

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    The Flooding and Stormwater Management Community Reference Panel (CRP) held its second meeting on 15 December 2022.

    Together with the CRP, we’re working to better understand and address increasing challenges to water management arising from climate change, development pressure and population growth.

    This meeting focused primarily on undertaking some preliminary work, which will help guide our approach in developing the Integrated Water Management Strategy.

    The CRP was tasked to identify and prioritise drivers for integrated water management for Manningham. This list will be further refined by the CRP at upcoming meetings, with consideration of other stakeholder feedback.

    Once finalised, the drivers will guide the CRP to develop a draft vision for integrated water management in Manningham.

    The CRP will help guide the development of the Manningham Flood Mapping Project and Integrated Water Management Strategy.

    All meeting minutes will be available on the Your Say Manningham Flooding and Stormwater Management page.

    Flooding and Stormwater Management Community Reference Panel Meeting 2 - 15 December 2023 - Minutes

    The next meeting will be held on Wednesday 29 March 2023.

  • Flooding and Stormwater Management Community Reference Panel Meeting 1

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    The newly appointed Flooding and Stormwater Management Community Reference Panel (CRP) held its first meeting on 9 November 2022.

    Together with the CRP, we’re working to better understand and address increasing challenges to water management, including climate change, development pressure and population growth.

    The CRP will help guide the development of the Manningham Flood Mapping Project and Integrated Water Management Strategy.

    Summary of Flooding and Stormwater Management CRP Meeting 1 minutes:

    • Cr Stephen Mayne formally welcomed CRP members.
    • The project team provided a project overview, covering the forecast impacts of climate change and population growth on water availability and flood risk.
    • CRP members discussed the project scope, which includes flood mapping and the preparation of an Integrated Water Management Strategy for the city.
    • CRP members agreed how they will work together, including role and responsibilities.
    • CRP members worked in small groups to discuss what project success would look like.

    All meeting minutes will be available on the Your Say Manningham Flooding and Stormwater Management page.

    More information

  • Corrective Planning Scheme Amendment C137mann approved by the Minister for Planning

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    The Minister for Planning has approved Corrective Amendment C137mann.

    The purpose of the amendment was to correct Special Building Overlay 1 (SBO1), as it applies to properties in and around Hillcroft Drive, Templestowe.

    Notice of the approval of Amendment C137mann appeared in the Government Gazette on 18 November 2022.

    The revised SBO1 mapped area can now be viewed on the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning (DELWP) website.

    More information

    • Corrective Planning Scheme Amendment C137mann FAQs.
    • Contact Manningham Council on 9840 9333, or at manningham@manningham.vic.gov.au
  • Community raingarden to help divert and treat rainfall runoff

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    Warrandyte Uniting Church has a peace vision which in part focuses on engaging the community in ways to protect and care for our environment. In keeping with this vision, the church is leading a program around raingardens and caring for the earth.

    A feature of the program is a newly constructed raingarden on the church grounds which was financially supported by Warrandyte Community Bank and Manningham Council.

    The raingarden will divert and treat rainfall runoff from across the site as an example of what people can do in their own gardens.

    Church project lead Ken Keam, said raingardens improve the quality of our waterways by filtering pollutants from stormwater and using stormwater to irrigate plants. They create habitat for local wildlife by promoting vegetation growth. By using stormwater for irrigation, they also conserve drinking water supplies.

    “The project also aims to improve community understanding and knowledge about simple opportunities to preserve our natural environment and adapt to the impacts of climate change,” Ken said.

    The program has included several information and interactive sessions for the local community and schools. Other contributors have included the Wurundjeri Woi Wurrung Cultural Heritage Aboriginal Corporation, as well as other local community groups and Melbourne Water.

    Manningham Mayor, Cr Deirdre Diamante, said Council hoped the program would empower locals to consider how they can help build a resilient, liveable and sustainable future for Manningham.

    “It’s great to see community members taking action to help secure our water future,” she said.

    “Council is currently undertaking a number of flooding and stormwater management initiatives, aimed at building a more resilient and liveable Manningham and to facilitate robust planning for the future,” Cr Diamante said.

    Ken also serves as a member on our recently formed Flooding and Stormwater Management Community Reference Panel. When asked about his interests in serving on the Panel, Ken said he is concerned about mitigating and adapting to the impacts of global warming.

    “I hope that this opportunity will help to preserve the natural environment and liveability of this municipality by ensuring that the management of stormwater, as far as possible, encompasses the principles of Water Sensitive Urban Design, climate change adaption and community expectations,” he said.

    More information

  • Flooding and Stormwater Management Community Reference Panel facilitator appointed

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    Mendleson Communication has been awarded the contract to facilitate our Flooding and Stormwater Management Community Reference Panel meetings.

    Nicola Mendleson has 25 years of experience with advisory groups and facilitation of sensitive and complex engagements relating to flooding management, integrated water management and adaptation to climate change. She is also a member of the International Association for Public Participation as a licensed trainer.

    Community Reference Panel meetings for 2022 have been scheduled for 9 November and 15 December 2022.

    To receive notifications when the meeting minutes are available, and other project updates, please subscribe via the ‘Stay informed’ box in the right-hand side column of this page.

  • Community Reference Panel to help secure Manningham’s water future

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    Council has appointed a Community Reference Panel to help shape flooding and stormwater management in Manningham.

    The Panel was selected through an Expression of Interest process and will work with us to better understand and address increasing challenges to water management, including:

    • climate change
    • development pressure; and
    • population growth.

    The Panel will help guide the development of the Manningham Flood Mapping Project and Integrated Water Management Strategy.

    It will consist of:

    • an independent facilitator
    • eleven community members with a spread of representation across Manningham and membership reflecting the diversity of our community
    • Councillors Stephen Mayne and Geoff Gough
    • up to three Council officer representatives; and
    • subject matter experts.

    The first meeting will be held in late 2022. All meeting minutes will be available on the Your Say Manningham Flooding and Stormwater Management page.

  • Corrective Planning Scheme Amendment C137mann, Update

    Share Corrective Planning Scheme Amendment C137mann, Update on Facebook Share Corrective Planning Scheme Amendment C137mann, Update on Twitter Share Corrective Planning Scheme Amendment C137mann, Update on Linkedin Email Corrective Planning Scheme Amendment C137mann, Update link

    On 26 July 2022, Council resolved to adopt Amendment C137mann. The purpose of the amendment is to correct Special Building Overlay 1 (SBO1), as it applies to properties in and around Hillcroft Drive, Templestowe.

    Specifically, Council resolved to:

    Adopt Amendment C137mann in accordance with Attachment 1 (to the Council report), pursuant to section 29 of the Planning and Environment Act, 1987 (the Act);

    • Refer the adopted Amendment C137mann to the Minister for Planning, pursuant to section 31 of the Act;
    • Request that the Minister of Planning approve Amendment C137mann to the Manningham Planning Scheme, in accordance with Attachment 1, pursuant to section 35 of the Act; and
    • Notify affected property owners of Council’s decision.

    The impacts of the Amendment for individual properties in and around Hillcroft Drive remain unchanged from our original advice. You can find a plan illustrating the changes to the overlay here.

    We have now written to the Minister for Planning requesting approval of Amendment C137mann.

    Project timing is now at the discretion of the Minister for Planning. With the State Government Election scheduled for November 2022, potential impacts of the caretaker period on finalisation of this process are also yet to be determined.

    We will directly notify all affected property owners of the Minister’s decision once received.

    More information

Page last updated: 20 Dec 2024, 07:07 AM