Flooding and Stormwater Management Community Reference Panel Meeting 2

The Flooding and Stormwater Management Community Reference Panel (CRP) held its second meeting on 15 December 2022.

Together with the CRP, we’re working to better understand and address increasing challenges to water management arising from climate change, development pressure and population growth.

This meeting focused primarily on undertaking some preliminary work, which will help guide our approach in developing the Integrated Water Management Strategy.

The CRP was tasked to identify and prioritise drivers for integrated water management for Manningham. This list will be further refined by the CRP at upcoming meetings, with consideration of other stakeholder feedback.

Once finalised, the drivers will guide the CRP to develop a draft vision for integrated water management in Manningham.

The CRP will help guide the development of the Manningham Flood Mapping Project and Integrated Water Management Strategy.

All meeting minutes will be available on the Your Say Manningham Flooding and Stormwater Management page.

Flooding and Stormwater Management Community Reference Panel Meeting 2 - 15 December 2023 - Minutes

The next meeting will be held on Wednesday 29 March 2023.

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