Templestowe Route Upgrade

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The Templestowe Route Upgrade will reconstruct 1.8km of road between Templestowe Road and Fitzsimons Lane, including Parker, Swilk, James & Anderson streets.

About the upgrade

The upgrade will include:

  • road resurfacing
  • footpath construction
  • underground drainage, kerb and channel
  • a new roundabout at the intersection of Atkinson and Anderson streets
  • reduced speed limits between Porter and Milne Street – these will be variable depending on time of day.
  • a new pedestrian operated signal crossing at the intersection of Wood and Anderson streets
  • bus stop upgrades along Swilk, Anderson and James streets
  • extending the existing carpark near Atkinson Street and Anderson Street

The Templestowe Route Upgrade will reconstruct 1.8km of road between Templestowe Road and Fitzsimons Lane, including Parker, Swilk, James & Anderson streets.

About the upgrade

The upgrade will include:

  • road resurfacing
  • footpath construction
  • underground drainage, kerb and channel
  • a new roundabout at the intersection of Atkinson and Anderson streets
  • reduced speed limits between Porter and Milne Street – these will be variable depending on time of day.
  • a new pedestrian operated signal crossing at the intersection of Wood and Anderson streets
  • bus stop upgrades along Swilk, Anderson and James streets
  • extending the existing carpark near Atkinson Street and Anderson Street intersection.
  • new outdoor space for the shops along Anderson Street, between Wood and James streets
  • street lighting upgrades
  • landscaping, tree removal and planting.

Where is it?

The Templestowe Route is a series of important local link roads between Fitzsimons Lane and Templestowe Road. These roads provide access to local residents, Templestowe Village and connect traffic travelling to and from surrounding suburbs.

Why is the upgrade needed?

Several safety issues have been identified with Templestowe Route, including poor drainage and inadequate facilities for pedestrians and cyclists.

This project aims to:

  • improve safety for all users, including motorists, cyclists and pedestrians
  • address traffic and speeding concerns
  • extend the lifespan of the road
  • reduce drainage issues
  • improve road and footpath longevity.

How will the works affect me?

We're doing our best to minimise the impacts of these works on our roads and footpaths.

Businesses and residents

Businesses and residences will remain open and accessible throughout the upgrade.

Road closures

We'll do everything we can to minimise the impact of these works on traffic. During works of this scale, some traffic disruption is unavoidable. There are no road closures planned for these works, however, lane or road closures may be necessary at times. We'll have traffic controllers and signage to guide drivers around the area if this is required. Emergency services will have unrestricted access at all times.

Stay informed

You can stay informed by subscribing to this project below. We'll continue to provide updates about this project through Your Say, letter drops and local publications.
We'll contact residents directly if any part of this project will directly impact them.


Please contact us at (03) 9840 9333 or manningham@manningham.vic.gov.au.

The Australian Government is investing $5 million from the Urban Congestion Fund to deliver these targeted upgrades as part of the Fitzsimons Lane and Main Road corridor project. The remaining funds are provided under our Capital Works Program from 2021/22 to 2023/24.

  • Upgrade works starting soon

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    Major works to upgrade Templestowe Route are set to begin after Easter.

    The works will be happening on Parker Street, between High Street and the intersection of Parker and Swilk streets, and on Anderson Street, between Atkinson Street and James Street.

    Works will include

    • Road resurfacing
    • Footpath construction
    • Installing underground drainage, kerb and channel
    • Reducing speed limits between Porter and Milne streets – limits will vary depending on time of day
    • Building a new pedestrian operated signal crossing at the intersection of Wood and Anderson streets
    • Upgrading the bus stops along Swilk, Anderson and James streets
    • Extending the existing carpark near Atkinson Street and Anderson Street intersection
    • Upgrading street lighting
    • Landscaping, tree removal and planting.

    Construction is expected to take around 18 months to complete.

    For more details, including a map of the construction location, read our Flyer - Templestowe Route upgrade works starting soon - February 2025

    Information sessions

    We’re holding two community drop in information sessions in March to answer any questions you have about the upcoming construction.

    Thursday 13 March, 4.00pm to 7.00pm
    Uniting Church, 104 Wood Street, Templestowe

    Monday 17 March, 4.00pm to 7.00pm
    Uniting Church, 104 Wood Street, Templestowe

  • Upcoming construction on Parker Street

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    We’re preparing to begin the final stage of early works for the Templestowe Route upgrade.

    These works will upgrade the drainage, kerb, and channel on the north side of Parker Street, between High Street and Union Street.

    We plan to begin construction in June 2024 and expect the works to take three months to complete, depending on other authorities' works and weather conditions.

    Construction will occur between 7.00 am and 5.00 pm on weekdays. During this time, you can expect some construction noise, temporary footpath closures, and single lane road closures.

    We’re also finalising the tender for the project's main works and will update you as the project progresses.

    Thank you for your understanding as we work to improve safety, connectivity and infrastructure in your area.

  • Consultation outcomes and next steps for Templestowe Route

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    The community will benefit from improved safety, connectivity, and infrastructure on Templestowe Route, with upgrade works commencing later this year.

    Thank you to everyone who contributed to the consultation in November last year. We heard from over 150 people through our survey and public session. This valuable feedback has helped us understand the everyday experiences of residents and commuters. We're confident that the introduction of two new roundabouts, reduced speed limits and a new signalised pedestrian crossing can reduce congestion and improve safety around the busy Templestowe Village area.

    The upgrade will include:

    • Two new roundabouts at:
      • Atkinson Street and Anderson Street intersection
      • Milne Street and James Street intersection
    • Speed limit of 40km/hour between the two new roundabouts (through Templestowe Village)
    • Speed limit of 50 km/hour from Union Street to Milne Street and Atkinson Street to Porter Street
    • pedestrian crossing with traffic lights at the Wood Street and Anderson Street intersection
    • Road resurfacing along the route
    • Footpaths, kerb and channel along the route
    • Underground drainage along the route

    Common questions we received during the consultation included:

    Won’t more roundabouts prevent traffic flow, causing more congestion at Templestowe Village? Could we use speed humps instead?

    Speed humps would slow traffic but not reduce traffic congestion. Roundabouts act to reduce congestion by preventing the lane blockages that occur when drivers turning right stop to give way to oncoming traffic.

    What if these changes encourage drivers to divert along Atkinson and Milne streets?

    Due to the number of intersections, drivers would need to cross on the Atkinson-Milne route, this route would not save drivers time and is unlikely to become the preferred option.

    Can the speed limit reductions be flexible during busy/quieter hours?

    We are looking into speed reduction with VicRoads and will explore options to have flexible speed limits.

    How did you choose the location for the signalled pedestrian crossing – did you explore other locations, such as near the 7/11?

    The location of the new signalled crossing was chosen based on its proximity to the shops and the area's capacity to accommodate traffic lights.

    The project’s main works will be delivered in four stages, with the first beginning around mid-year. We'll provide more information closer to that time.

    Our Capital Works Program is funding this project, with a $5 million investment from the Australian Federal Government.

  • Templestowe Route consultation update

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    We have included an additional field in the Proposed improvements to Templestowe Route survey.

    You can now provide your preferences on a new proposed solution – To advocate for a reduced speed limit to 50km/hour on the route.

    This will apply from Union Street to the Milne Road roundabout, and from Atkinson Street roundabout to Porter Street. It excludes areas where a 40km/hour speed limit has been proposed.

    This speed limit change aims to improve safety for pedestrians and cyclists and reduce traffic congestion.

    The proposed solution was suggested via a community survey response, received in October 2023.

    Consultation for the upgrade will remain open for four weeks.

    Have your say on the proposed solutions by completing our survey online.

    We also invite you to drop into our public consultation sessions on Wednesday 22 November, between 4.00pm and 8.30pm at Manningham United Church, Templestowe.

    Did you complete the survey before 27 October? You can still have your say on the new solution:

    • Follow this link to the survey.
    • Select your answer for the proposal in row three (Advocate for a speed reduction to 50km per hour for the remainder of the route).
    • Provide comments only for proposal three. You will not need to resubmit your earlier responses.
    • Submit your survey response.

    This consultation closes on 29 November 2023.

    Find out more about the Templestowe Route Upgrade.

  • Have your say for a safer and more connected Templestowe Route

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    Thank you to everyone who contributed to the community consultation in July 2023. We were pleased to engage with 35 different groups at the information sessions and received over 50 responses to our survey. We have created a new Factsheet outlining the key issues raised during the consultation and how the upgrade proposes to address them.

    We now invite you to review the proposed improvements and provide your thoughts on these solutions. Your feedback will inform the final design for the upgrade.

    Online survey

    Please complete this survey to contribute your feedback on the proposed upgrade solutions. This survey will close on Wednesday, 29 November.

    Consultation session

    We are also holding a drop-in session where you can come and chat with us about the upgrade.

    Wednesday 22 November

    4.00pm to 8.30pm

    Manningham Uniting Church, 109 Wood St, Templestowe VIC 3106

    After we’ve analysed the feedback and responses from this consultation, we’ll provide you with a summary of the results and how they’ll inform the upgrade design.

    We thank you for your ongoing contributions to this project.

  • Early works on Anderson Street, between Porter Street and Unwin Street

    Share Early works on Anderson Street, between Porter Street and Unwin Street on Facebook Share Early works on Anderson Street, between Porter Street and Unwin Street on Twitter Share Early works on Anderson Street, between Porter Street and Unwin Street on Linkedin Email Early works on Anderson Street, between Porter Street and Unwin Street link

    The Templestowe Route Upgrade continues progressing, with the next section of early works commencing 17 July on Anderson Street, between Porter Street and Unwin Street.

    This stage follows the completion of the first early works package, on the southern side of Parker Street, between Union Street and the High Street roundabout.

    The next section will take around four months to complete depending on weather conditions. It will include drainage, kerb and channel, footpath, and road resurfacing.

    Help us build a safer Templestowe Route

    What is your experience with Templestowe Route? Do you feel safe and comfortable walking here? How do you find driving along the route?

    We want to hear from you. Your experiences and concerns will help inform the upgrade so that we can build a safer Templestowe Route.

    Templestowe Route upgrade drop-in information session

    Chat with us about the project, view the schematic plans and provide valuable feedback.

    📅 Tuesday 18 July 2023
    ⏰ 4.00pm to 8.30pm
    📍 The auditorium at Manningham Uniting Church, 109 Wood Street, Templestowe 3106

    Provide your feedback online

    Can't make it to the session? That's ok! Have your say by Completing our survey before 4.00pm on Monday, 24 July 2023.

    Subscribe to this project to receive updates direct to your inbox.

    If you have any questions about these works, please contact us at (03) 9840 9333 or submit an online enquiry at manningham.vic.gov.au/contact-us

    You need to be signed in to add your comment.

  • Upcoming community consulation in July 2023

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    We’re pleased to announce that we completed the first section of works on Parker Street, on the southern side of the road between Union Street and the High Street roundabout, in May 2023.

    The next stage of works will be on the northern side of the road between Union Street and High Street roundabout and along Anderson Street between Porter Street and Unwin Street. We expect to begin these works in July 2023, pending approval from partnering authorities.

    These works will include:

    • underground drainage
    • kerb and channel
    • footpaths
    • road resurfacing

    In the meantime, we’re planning for the works on the remainder of the road. We want to know how we can make this route safer for you.

    Templestowe Route drop-in information session

    We’re hosting a public information session at Manningham Uniting Church Auditorium on Tuesday, 18 July, from 4.00pm to 8.30pm. We encourage anyone interested in the project to come along and discuss their ideas and provide feedback. Your feedback will help us ensure that the project meets the community's needs.

    📅 Tuesday 18 July 2023
    ⏰ 4.00pm to 8.30pm
    📍 The auditorium at Manningham Uniting Church, 109 Wood Street, Templestowe 3106

    Can’t make the session? That’s ok! We’re also seeking community feedback through an online survey. Tell us your thoughts about pedestrian connectivity, quality of infrastructure and safety.

    Complete the survey by 4.00pm by Monday 24 July 2023.

  • Path Construction delayed

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    The start date on the construction of a path along Parker Street from Union Street to High Street has been delayed due to material supply issues. We expect materials to arrival in April/May and for the project to commence shortly after that.

    Once works commence there may be some traffic delays. Please allow extra time for your journey or seek an alternative route during this time.

  • Early works to commence March 2022

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    We are pleased to inform you that works will be commencing shortly to upgrade Templestowe Road. An early works package on the first stage are set to commence in March 2022.

    These works will include;

    • The construction of a shared path on Parker Street from Union Street to High Street
    • Service relocation works where required
    • Installation of drainage infrastructure (pits and pipes), kerb and channel;

    We are planning to undertake preliminary works which will involve and these works are planned to commence in mid-March 2022.

  • Stage 1

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    We are pleased to inform you that the next stage of works will be commencing shortly to upgrade Templestowe Route. A works package on the first stage are set to commence in late 2022.

    The upgrade will include;

    • Upgrade to the road pavement;
    • Installation of drainage infrastructure (pits and pipes), kerb and channel;
    • Construction of a roundabout at the intersection of Milne and Atkinson Street;
    • A shared path or footpath on both sides of the road;

Page last updated: 12 Feb 2025, 12:35 PM