• First Aid

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    Sports Medicine Australia is Australia’s leading multi-disciplinary network for professionals working in sports medicine, sport and exercise science, and physical activity. Sports Medicine Australia (SMA) produces a number of policies and guidelines to promote safety, health and wellbeing of athletes, staff, volunteers, families and communities.

    Resources that are available for download include information relating to:

    • Extreme Heat Policy
    • Sports Trainer Practices in a COVIDSAFE Australia
    • Active Children
    • Active Older People
    • Active Women
    • Health Conditions & Screening
    • Hot Weather
    • Infectious Diseases
    • Mouth guard Policy for Sports Clubs
    • Medical Emergency Planning Guide
    • Concussion

    The Australian Sports Injury Data Dictionary has been developed to provide guidelines for injury data collection and classification for the prevention and control of injury in sport and recreation. The Dictionary has been written to assist sporting and recreation organisations, researchers, sports medicine professionals, first-aiders and individual clubs collect information on sports injury. The sporting organisation or researcher may customise a data collection form to suit their needs, but a sporting club may choose to use the sport-specific. The Dictionary is prescriptive in the use of data categories and options within those categories. This is necessary if the advantages of comparability and consistency are to be gained. Users are, of course, free to design forms and data systems that meet their needs, and to extend the items and classification in the Dictionary.

    Sports Medicine Australia has also produced a range sport-specific fact sheets that discusses ways to prevent injury, advice for taking care of junior players and how to deal with common injuries to create a healthier and more active community.

    Sports Medicine Australia has produced an injury fact sheet series highlighting prevention and management for 12 of the most common sporting injuries .

    Sports Medicine Australia

    Sport Community's 10 must haves in your clubs First Aid kit.

    St Johns 'Safe Program'

    • Officially recognizes sporting clubs that are ready for any first aid situation.

    Work Safe

    Club Help

  • Child Safety Message for Council’s Community Spaces and Events

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    In close conjunction with Council’s Child Safe Work Group, we have developed new signs to ensure our events and community spaces are safe, respectful and inclusive for our younger community members.

    As users of our shared community spaces, we ask for your support in printing these signs and placing them in child friendly areas around your facility.

    Manningham Council will not tolerate any abusive behaviour at any of our events or community spaces which makes another person feel unsafe and or disrespected and we hope you support us in spreading this message to our community.

  • Conversation with Courtney Hagen from Football Australia

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    Interview with Jesse (Leisure Networks) and Courtney on Inclusion and community engagement.

    Courtney Hagen: Engagement Lead – Aboriginal and Torres Straight Islander Peoples at Football Australia

  • Manningham Volunteer Resource Service (MVRS)

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    Are you looking for volunteers for your club? MVRS Can help you find the perfect volunteer.

  • Manningham Volunteer Resource Service

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    Are you looking for volunteer opportunities? MVRS Can help you!

  • Manningham Youth Employment Pathways Program

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  • Latest Sport Participation Trends

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    Latest Sport Participation Trends and the focus for COVID-19 recovery

    Vicsport have, in partnership with the Physical Activity and Sport Insights (PASI) research group (Victoria University and Federation University) and with support from VicHealth and Sport and Recreation Victoria collaborated to bring you this research-based webinar.

    Hear from PASI Directors, Professors Rochelle Eime and Hans Westerbeek as they share the trends in participation pre-COVID and during COVID-19, highlighting the concerning declines amongst certain population groups as well as the specific health and wellbeing changes that have occurred amongst sports participants how these differ across populations groups.

    They are then joined for a panel discussion with Lisa Hasker (Vicsport CEO), Karen Pearce OAM (Executive Manager, Growth and Inclusion at Football Victoria), Owen Hulett (Head of Participation at Cricket Victoria) and Tamatha Harding (Head of Tennis Delivery at Tennis Victoria).

  • Guidelines for Preventing Violence Against Women: Taking Action Through Community Sport

    Share Guidelines for Preventing Violence Against Women: Taking Action Through Community Sport on Facebook Share Guidelines for Preventing Violence Against Women: Taking Action Through Community Sport on Twitter Share Guidelines for Preventing Violence Against Women: Taking Action Through Community Sport on Linkedin Email Guidelines for Preventing Violence Against Women: Taking Action Through Community Sport link
    Guidelines to support the community sport sector to lead change in gender equality and the prevention of gender-based violence.
  • 2022 Club Development Program - Leisure Networks

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    Stream 1

    'Governance 101'

    'Your Clubs Framework (Legalities)'

    'Safeguarding our Grassroots Clubs (Child Safety)'

    'Tailored Governance Development'

    Stream 2

    'Financial Management 101'

    'Financial Sustainability'

    'Show Us the Money'

    Stream 3

    'Volunteer Management'

    'Being your Best'

    'Leadership on and off the field'

    'Setting Supportive Club Culture'

    Stream 4

    'Innovation Program'

    Stream 5

    'Strategic Planning for the New Normal'

    'Creating a team'

    'Action Planning Workshop'

  • Game Plan

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    Sport Australia’s Game Plan is a digital platform designed to provide sporting clubs of all sizes with insights into their current capability and connect them with specific tools and resources to build and support ongoing development.

    Game Plan has been developed to enable a club to improve the quality of skills of its people, the volunteers and management, to adapt quickly and maximise the resources a club has. When key committee workforce is churned or lost, the club will have access to a trusted record, allowing organisational continuity over time.

    Manningham City Council encourages it's local sport and recreation clubs to use Game Plan to complete a 'Health Check' on their club. Once you have completed the modules outlined in the Game Plan you'll be provided a number of state and sport specific resources to support you in achieving the goals you set to achieve. If you require further support clubs are encouraged to reach out to their State Sport Association & Council.