Category Diversity and inclusion   Show all

  • Membership Retention & Acquisition - Delivered by MK Consulting

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    Topics covered in this session:

    • Unpack the latest participation data and trends impacting membership in community sport.
    • Understand barriers and motivating factors for sports participation to increase retention.
    • Learn how to grow and diversify your membership base.

    View presentation slides here

  • Conversation with Courtney Hagen from Football Australia

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    Interview with Jesse (Leisure Networks) and Courtney on Inclusion and community engagement.

    Courtney Hagen: Engagement Lead – Aboriginal and Torres Straight Islander Peoples at Football Australia

  • Game Plan

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    Sport Australia’s Game Plan is a digital platform designed to provide sporting clubs of all sizes with insights into their current capability and connect them with specific tools and resources to build and support ongoing development.

    Game Plan has been developed to enable a club to improve the quality of skills of its people, the volunteers and management, to adapt quickly and maximise the resources a club has. When key committee workforce is churned or lost, the club will have access to a trusted record, allowing organisational continuity over time.

    Manningham City Council encourages it's local sport and recreation clubs to use Game Plan to complete a 'Health Check' on their club. Once you have completed the modules outlined in the Game Plan you'll be provided a number of state and sport specific resources to support you in achieving the goals you set to achieve. If you require further support clubs are encouraged to reach out to their State Sport Association & Council.

  • Inclusive club programs your club can participate in

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    Being an inclusive clubs means being welcoming to everyone, regardless of someone’s ability, gender, sex, cultural background, religion or age. Everyone has the right to be involved. Creating an inclusive environment at your club is not just about opening your club doors and saying 'come on in everyone', it involves breaking down barriers to participation and behaviour change within your club. It benefits everyone when club participants represent and reflect the whole community.

    Inclusive programs your club can participate in

    Inclusive Clubs Project

    Manningham has partnered with Access Health and Community, the City of Boroondara, Women’s Health East and Leisure Networks to participate in the Inclusive Clubs Project. The project includes six free two-hour workshops with the completion of an inclusion assessment and action plan. The aim of these workshops is to build the knowledge of club officials on how to make their club more inclusive by creating safe, equal and respectful environments for all members, particularly women and girls. If your clubs wants to be involved please get in touch with councils recreation team.

    Good Sports Program

    The Good Sports program provides sport and recreation clubs with tools and resources to build a safe, welcoming, family friendly club environment. Good Sports has been proven to reduce harm and positively influence health behaviours, as well as strengthen club membership and boost participation. The Good Sports program is implemented voluntarily through community sporting clubs, helping clubs to promote healthier, safer and more family-friendly environments.

    Our Club: A Place for Everyone

    The ‘Our Club’ campaign is a club strengthening initiative for Eastern Football League clubs. Building strong and connected communities is important for everyone. Local footy clubs provide an opportunity to bring people together, increase participation in sport, promote social connection and create a sense of belonging.

    Manningham's community profile

    Are you wanting to find out more information about Manningham’s community profile? provides you details on Manningham’s current population demographics.

  • Useful links and resources to help your club become more inclusive

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    • Play by the Rules: Clarifies what inclusion means, explores sports that have integrated the 7 Pillars of Inclusion model into their inclusion strategies and provides tips and ideas on ways your club can advance diversity and inclusion.

    • Sport Australia: Aims to build the capacity and capability of sport to provide safe, ethical and inclusive sporting environments.

    • Everyone Wins Tool Kit: Vic Health have created the 'Everyone Wins tool kit', which provides practical tools and resources to help sports clubs become more inclusive and welcoming of everyone in their community. The toolkit specifically aims to help clubs increase the involvement of women and girls, Aboriginal people and people from multicultural communities. The tools provided in this toolkit help clubs build on their existing strengths.

    • Doing Sport Differently Principles: VicHealth and La Trobe University’s Centre for Sport and Social Impact have developed six key principles to guide the design and delivery of sport-based programs that target less-active people. These resources are designed to help sport clubs and organisations to ‘do sport differently’ to attract, engage and retain less-active people in sport.

    • Victorian Participation in organised sport: Vic Health undertook research which provides a picture of participation in organised community sport within Victoria.
  • Women and girls

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    This Girl Can

    This Girl Can is about celebrating women getting active, regardless of age, background, ability or body shape. Each year Manningham Council works with sport and recreation clubs to offer free activities for women and girls to encourage them to get active and have some fun in a supported and friendly environment.

    Every woman’s journey and experience with sport and physical activity is different. This Girl Can have created visual journey maps to better demonstrate and help others understand a women’s experience with sport and physical activity throughout the lifespan.

    Creating a Place for Women in Sport

    Manningham, Yarra Ranges, Maroondah, Knox Council, Inspiro and EACH, are providing resources for sporting clubs to achieve gender equality. The Creating a Place for Women in Sport self-assessment is a practical tool for community sport and recreation clubs to identify strengths and opportunities to promote equality. The tool aims to support clubs to look at different areas of their environment, and recognise their progress in achieving gender equality at their club.

    There are no right or wrong answers; the tool is an internal resource to be used as a ‘temperature check’ at a moment in time. It provides an opportunity for clubs to learn and discuss ways it can create environments where women and men can equally participate.

    Once clubs have completed the self-assessment tool, we encourage clubs to complete the Gender Equity Action Plan Template in order to drive change moving forward. Council's Recreation Participation Officer can work with clubs to complete the self assessment tool and the action plan.

    Change our Game

    Change our Game is an initiative of Victorian Government. In 2015, the Government released a report from the independent Inquiry into Women and Girls in Sport and Active Recreation. The report shed light on gender inequality in Victorian sports and recreation. The report outlined a way forward, helping change and improve sport and recreation for all involved

    Change our game provide a range of grants and funding to support women and girls at all levels in sport and recreation in Victoria each year

    Resources to assist your club in becoming more inclusive of women and girls

    • Clearing House for Sport: Covers a range of topics on women and sport, from governance, factors influencing female participation, data and statistics and provides a number of successful case studies.
  • People with a disability

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    People with disability face a number of societal barriers and discrimination, which can lead to exclusion from participating in sports and other physical activity opportunities. There is proof that sport can make a difference, reduce stigma and discrimination and empower people with disability.

    Resources and websites to help your club better engage with people with disability.

    • AAA Play: Operated by Reclink Australia, Access for All Abilities (AAA Play) provides Australia's only dedicated referral and connection service for people with a disability to sports and recreational opportunities in Victoria. As a sport and recreation club you can promote or list your business online at AAA Play to reach a wider audience. AAA Play also host a number of information sessions, webinars and create a number of resources that include tips and other information on how to be more inclusive.

    • Disability Sport and Recreation: Provide and promote positive health outcomes for people with disability, through meaningful engagement in sport and active recreation. They assist people with disability to find a sport or activity they enjoy, work with sports clubs, program providers and venues to offer opportunities for people with disabilities, raise awareness in schools about disability and how to be more inclusive and ensure that the voice of people with disability is of heard. DSR also offer a number of free resources via their website.

    • International Day of People with A Disability (IDPwD): (IDPwD) is held on 3 December each year. Visit their website to how you can get involved (as an individual or organisation) and learn how to break down barriers for people with disability.

    • Clearing House for Sport: Provides a number of resources on sport and people with disabilities.

    • Disability Sports Australia (DSA): Is Australia’s peak national body representing athletes with a physical disability.

    • Vic Sport: Considers approaches clubs should use when looking to increase participation amongst people with disabilities.

    • City of Darebin: Have created a guide that provides advice, ideas and practical ways that your club can become more inclusive of people with a disability.

    • Special Olympics: Online learning platform SOA Learn helps students grow and enhance skills and abilities to mentor people with intellectual disabilities and autism, and provide them with greater sporting opportunities.

    • Blind Sports and Recreation Victoria (BSRV): enhances the lives of people throughout Victoria who are blind or vision impaired through sport and recreation. Supporting more than 1,200 members, BSRV encourage people with no or low vision of all ages and backgrounds to lead more healthy and active lifestyles.

    • Deaf Sports Vic: Is the state parent sporting body in Victoria representing the deaf and hard of hearing community. DSRV is a non for profit organisation that also manages Victorian representatives of Australian deaf sports teams competing in local competitions. DSRV plays a role in putting deaf and hard of hearing Victorians in touch with various sporting clubs and keeping the community informed of events and opportunities for meeting new and like-minded people.
  • Creating an LGBTQI+ inclusive sports club

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    The following links will support your club in creating a club environment that welcomes the LGBTQI+ community.

    • Proud 2 Play: Focuses on increasing LGBTIQ+ engagement in sport, exercise and active recreation by working with all levels of the sport community - individual and grassroots communities, to state and national sporting organisations. Proud 2 Play encourage LGBTIQ+ people to participate and engage in sport and exercise by providing structured opportunities and pathways for them to do so.
    • Proud 2 Play resource hub
    • Pride in Sport: Assists sporting organisations of all levels with the inclusion of employees, players, coaches, volunteers and spectators with diverse sexualities and genders. The world-first Pride in Sport Index (PSI) benchmarks and assesses the inclusion of LGBTQ people across all sporting contexts.
    • Days of significance
    • Vic Sport: Discuss why LGBTIQ+ inclusion is important and provide a range of resources to help you increase LGBTQI+ inclusion at your club
    • Sport Australia: Have created guidelines for the inclusion of transgender and gender diverse people in sport
    • LGBTIQ+ Inclusive Language Guide: The State Governmnet have created a LGBTIQ+ inclusive language guide. The guide explains how to use language respectfully and inclusively when working with and referring to lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans and gender diverse, intersex, and queer and questioning people.
    • Community Health Pride LGBTIQ+ resources: A toolkit of LGBTIQ+ resources support community health services in inclusive service planning and practices.
  • People from multicultural backgrounds

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    Make your club more accessible to people from multicultural backgrounds by breaking down barriers to participation. Common barriers can include things like equipment, uniforms and costs associated to the program or activity. Adapt or modify your program design and delivery to make it more accessible to people from a variety of cultural backgrounds.

    Useful links and resources to assist your club in attracting people from multicultural backgrounds