Imagine Manningham 2040

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Consultation has concluded

Our Imagine Manningham 2040 project has now closed for inputs. We thank our wonderful community for contributing here, at our engagement sessions and through social media. We will continue to provide updates and feedback through the News Feed on this page.

We face a range of opportunities and challenges in the future including population growth, congestion and climate change.

To ensure our City works well now and into the future, we have been listening to your thoughts on:

  • liveable places and spaces
  • high quality affordable housing
  • a resilient environment
  • a vibrant economy

Your feedback is helping inform the development of a Liveable City Strategy to capture our community aspirations for the municipality. We are also reviewing the Doncaster Hill Framework to guide development in the precinct over the next 20 years. This feedback is shaping the Manningham 2040 Vision.

Please register to receive project updates.

Our Imagine Manningham 2040 project has now closed for inputs. We thank our wonderful community for contributing here, at our engagement sessions and through social media. We will continue to provide updates and feedback through the News Feed on this page.

We face a range of opportunities and challenges in the future including population growth, congestion and climate change.

To ensure our City works well now and into the future, we have been listening to your thoughts on:

  • liveable places and spaces
  • high quality affordable housing
  • a resilient environment
  • a vibrant economy

Your feedback is helping inform the development of a Liveable City Strategy to capture our community aspirations for the municipality. We are also reviewing the Doncaster Hill Framework to guide development in the precinct over the next 20 years. This feedback is shaping the Manningham 2040 Vision.

Please register to receive project updates.