Shaping Manningham's future

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Following the elections in October, your new Council has been elected to represent the Manningham community for a four-year term, through to 2028.

One of its first tasks is to develop a four-year Council Plan, 10 year Asset Plan and 10 year Financial Plan, in pursuit of our Community Vision 2040.

How will the strategic plans be informed?

Manningham Community Panel

Our local community plays a critical role in shaping these plans. That's why we set up a community panel – to make sure your voices are heard.

Formed in September 2024, the Manningham Community Panel will play a crucial role in helping determine key priorities for Manningham.

What did the panel deliberate on?

Council endorsed the following remit (the question to be answered) for the Manningham Community Panel at its 25 June 2024 meeting.

Council has a budget of $147m, but we can't do everything and need to make hard choices. We need to know what services you value most to help us create a new Council Plan, Asset Plan and Financial Plan to guide Council activity for the next four years to align with the Community Vision. It will inform what the community pays and gets in return.

What range and level of services are you prepared to pay for?

The Panel provided a list of recommendations to the Deputy Mayor at its final meeting on 1 February 2025.

We will publish a response on each recommendation and how it will be implemented, or the reasons for not supporting any recommendation by 14 March 2025.

Council committed to implementing the recommendations to the maximum extent possible.

Community engagement

In addition to the Panel’s recommendations, our strategic documents will be informed by:

Plan Manningham 2025+ community survey

We received more than 1260 valid survey responses between May and July 2024.

During this consultation, we asked for your top three priority areas for Council to focus its resources on for the next four years.

Targeted Conversations

Some residents joined our ‘Targeted Conversations’. These were small group discussions where we brought people with similar backgrounds or interests together to discuss detailed information around topics relevant to their needs and priorities.

Individual submissions

We invited you to share your ideas on how to improve Council services and shape our community’s future.

The feedback received across these consultations is helping the Panel understand the broader community's priorities and aspirations. A summary of all input is available in our Community Voices Document, which was shared with the Panel.

Other information that is considered in creating these Plans includes demographic and community forecasting, State and Federal Government legislation and plans, partner expertise and focus, existing plans and strategies and available resources.

Read more about Manningham’s strategic plans:

The Council Plan guides decision making over the next four years. Our new Council Plan will include the Health and Wellbeing Plan.

The Asset Plan includes how we will manage assets on behalf of the Community over the next ten years.

The Financial Plan includes how we will pay for services, assets and activities over the next ten years.

For more information about the Panel:


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Following the elections in October, your new Council has been elected to represent the Manningham community for a four-year term, through to 2028.

One of its first tasks is to develop a four-year Council Plan, 10 year Asset Plan and 10 year Financial Plan, in pursuit of our Community Vision 2040.

How will the strategic plans be informed?

Manningham Community Panel

Our local community plays a critical role in shaping these plans. That's why we set up a community panel – to make sure your voices are heard.

Formed in September 2024, the Manningham Community Panel will play a crucial role in helping determine key priorities for Manningham.

What did the panel deliberate on?

Council endorsed the following remit (the question to be answered) for the Manningham Community Panel at its 25 June 2024 meeting.

Council has a budget of $147m, but we can't do everything and need to make hard choices. We need to know what services you value most to help us create a new Council Plan, Asset Plan and Financial Plan to guide Council activity for the next four years to align with the Community Vision. It will inform what the community pays and gets in return.

What range and level of services are you prepared to pay for?

The Panel provided a list of recommendations to the Deputy Mayor at its final meeting on 1 February 2025.

We will publish a response on each recommendation and how it will be implemented, or the reasons for not supporting any recommendation by 14 March 2025.

Council committed to implementing the recommendations to the maximum extent possible.

Community engagement

In addition to the Panel’s recommendations, our strategic documents will be informed by:

Plan Manningham 2025+ community survey

We received more than 1260 valid survey responses between May and July 2024.

During this consultation, we asked for your top three priority areas for Council to focus its resources on for the next four years.

Targeted Conversations

Some residents joined our ‘Targeted Conversations’. These were small group discussions where we brought people with similar backgrounds or interests together to discuss detailed information around topics relevant to their needs and priorities.

Individual submissions

We invited you to share your ideas on how to improve Council services and shape our community’s future.

The feedback received across these consultations is helping the Panel understand the broader community's priorities and aspirations. A summary of all input is available in our Community Voices Document, which was shared with the Panel.

Other information that is considered in creating these Plans includes demographic and community forecasting, State and Federal Government legislation and plans, partner expertise and focus, existing plans and strategies and available resources.

Read more about Manningham’s strategic plans:

The Council Plan guides decision making over the next four years. Our new Council Plan will include the Health and Wellbeing Plan.

The Asset Plan includes how we will manage assets on behalf of the Community over the next ten years.

The Financial Plan includes how we will pay for services, assets and activities over the next ten years.

For more information about the Panel:


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  • Translated Plan Manningham 2025+ survey

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    Did you know you can also complete the survey in other languages:

    Communicate with us through the Translating and Interpreting Service if you do not speak or understand English.

    The interpreter service will contact the relevant council area and act as a direct translator between the caller and Council.

    All interpreters are accredited with the National Accreditation Authority for Translators and Interpreters (NAATI) to ensure the highest standards of customer service available to non-English speaking customers.

Page last updated: 07 Feb 2025, 03:41 PM