It's time for us to find our new 2025 Community Panel

We're seeking a diverse group of residents, workers, students – anyone 16+ with a Manningham address to join our Community Panel.

Community panels are an exciting new democratic approach that an increasing number of governments have adopted, to plan ahead. If you want to make a real impact on decisions made by Council, then this is your chance.

How does this work?

  • We'll be starting the selection process with an independent company to randomly choose 8,000 addresses across Manningham.
  • If you're one of the selected addresses, you'll receive a letter in the mail inviting you to join our Deliberative Community Panel.
  • The letter will include a link and/or phone number to register your interest.
  • From everyone who expresses interest, the independent company will then randomly select a smaller group of 40 people to form the final panel.
  • This process ensures the panel represents a diverse group that reflects the voices of our entire community.

What does the Deliberative Community Panel do?

This panel will play a crucial role in developing our major strategic plans. Through facilitated discussions and learning sessions, the participants will help determine key priorities for Manningham and provide a list of recommendations that inform Council decisions for our key documents including the Council Plan, Asset Plan, and Financial Plan.

We will hold several sessions with participants between September 2024 and February 2025. These will be held mainly on weekends, locally. Once the final Community Panel is selected, they will find out more about how we will all work together.

As it will be a significant commitment involving up to 50 hours, all panelists will receive payment in recognition of their time and commitment.

For more information check out the FAQs.

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