Westerfolds Paddle Sports Plan

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Consultation has concluded

Consultation with Canoe Victoria, local canoe clubs and the broader community on a Regional Paddle Sports Centre, river access and shared trail improvements at Westerfolds Park has been conducted as part of a feasibility study.

The comments and ideas shared related to a number of themes including:

  • safe and easy access into the river
  • accessibility and safety within the site
  • facilities for park users
  • opportunities for additional recreational activities
  • environmental considerations
  • traffic and parking.

This feedback has assisted in refining a proposed concept plan for Westerfolds Park, including an idea for a proposed new multi purpose facility.

During consultation It was also identified that river access and Main Yarra Trail safety were important issues to the community. Further considerations are underway to address these issues, and will involve further detailed design consultation for these areas.

The final feasibility report will be completed by August 2018 and will include concept designs and costings. No funding has been sought for the delivery of the project at this stage.

The feasibility study is funded through a Community Sport Infrastructure Fund grant from the Victorian Government through Sport and Recreation Victoria in partnership with Manningham, Banyule and Nillumbik Councils, Canoeing Victoria and Melbourne Canoe Club.

As land managers of parts of the site, Parks Victoria and Melbourne Water are key stakeholders in the project.

Consultation with Canoe Victoria, local canoe clubs and the broader community on a Regional Paddle Sports Centre, river access and shared trail improvements at Westerfolds Park has been conducted as part of a feasibility study.

The comments and ideas shared related to a number of themes including:

  • safe and easy access into the river
  • accessibility and safety within the site
  • facilities for park users
  • opportunities for additional recreational activities
  • environmental considerations
  • traffic and parking.

This feedback has assisted in refining a proposed concept plan for Westerfolds Park, including an idea for a proposed new multi purpose facility.

During consultation It was also identified that river access and Main Yarra Trail safety were important issues to the community. Further considerations are underway to address these issues, and will involve further detailed design consultation for these areas.

The final feasibility report will be completed by August 2018 and will include concept designs and costings. No funding has been sought for the delivery of the project at this stage.

The feasibility study is funded through a Community Sport Infrastructure Fund grant from the Victorian Government through Sport and Recreation Victoria in partnership with Manningham, Banyule and Nillumbik Councils, Canoeing Victoria and Melbourne Canoe Club.

As land managers of parts of the site, Parks Victoria and Melbourne Water are key stakeholders in the project.

Consultation has concluded

If you have a questions about the proposed concept plans, or overall feasibility study for Westerfolds Park, please ask them here.

  • Share Why is this plan so limited in its scope and vision? We have an enormous opportunity to create a facility that is world class and that can become a hosting location for international competition, general sporting and recreational activity, an educational zone that acknowledges the traditional owners, and a source of employment for local people. We should be eclipsing the paddling centre at Penrith and modelling the watersport facility in Auckland. Why do we have to travel so far to access decent water? Why is the "sporting capital of Australia" so far behind? Why are we not asking State government for more development funds? We can nd should do better than this. Why is this plan so limited in its scope and vision? on Facebook Share Why is this plan so limited in its scope and vision? We have an enormous opportunity to create a facility that is world class and that can become a hosting location for international competition, general sporting and recreational activity, an educational zone that acknowledges the traditional owners, and a source of employment for local people. We should be eclipsing the paddling centre at Penrith and modelling the watersport facility in Auckland. Why do we have to travel so far to access decent water? Why is the "sporting capital of Australia" so far behind? Why are we not asking State government for more development funds? We can nd should do better than this. Why is this plan so limited in its scope and vision? on Twitter Share Why is this plan so limited in its scope and vision? We have an enormous opportunity to create a facility that is world class and that can become a hosting location for international competition, general sporting and recreational activity, an educational zone that acknowledges the traditional owners, and a source of employment for local people. We should be eclipsing the paddling centre at Penrith and modelling the watersport facility in Auckland. Why do we have to travel so far to access decent water? Why is the "sporting capital of Australia" so far behind? Why are we not asking State government for more development funds? We can nd should do better than this. Why is this plan so limited in its scope and vision? on Linkedin Email Why is this plan so limited in its scope and vision? We have an enormous opportunity to create a facility that is world class and that can become a hosting location for international competition, general sporting and recreational activity, an educational zone that acknowledges the traditional owners, and a source of employment for local people. We should be eclipsing the paddling centre at Penrith and modelling the watersport facility in Auckland. Why do we have to travel so far to access decent water? Why is the "sporting capital of Australia" so far behind? Why are we not asking State government for more development funds? We can nd should do better than this. Why is this plan so limited in its scope and vision? link

    Why is this plan so limited in its scope and vision? We have an enormous opportunity to create a facility that is world class and that can become a hosting location for international competition, general sporting and recreational activity, an educational zone that acknowledges the traditional owners, and a source of employment for local people. We should be eclipsing the paddling centre at Penrith and modelling the watersport facility in Auckland. Why do we have to travel so far to access decent water? Why is the "sporting capital of Australia" so far behind? Why are we not asking State government for more development funds? We can nd should do better than this. Why is this plan so limited in its scope and vision?

    Kayak Carrier asked over 6 years ago

    Hi Kayak Carrier,

    Thanks for your feedback.

    The objective of the feasibility study was to deliver the strategic priorities identified in Canoeing Victoria’s Strategic Facilities Plan. These priorities include a number of regional paddle sports centres throughout Victoria which will support the Victorian paddling community with canoeing facilities that deliver multi discipline paddling activities, support club growth and contribute to paddler pathways.

    The purpose of stage 2 community consultation is to draw interest from other community groups in using the proposed facilities for other sporting and recreational activities which could include an educational zone acknowledging the traditional owners. 

    Interest for a café or kiosk is being gauged and if that comes to fruition, employment for local people may be included. Providing accessible facilities to enable the wider community to be able to access paddling and other on-water activities such as fishing and swimming is a priority and creating a world class facility is a long term proposition that may be considered once these other facilities are in place. 

    It is also worth noting that Westerfolds Park forms part of the Yarra Valley Parklands which provides important habitat for a suite of biodiversity values. Such a location may differ in this respect to the Penrith and Auckland facilities.


    The project team

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    Our project team is available to answer any queries you may have about this project, so please ask?

    almost 7 years ago