Why is Council considering closing the road?

    Community feedback received during the development of the Tunstall Square Structure Plan identified a desire for more open space within the centre for gathering, seating and future events or activities. The road formerly known as Shaw Street has been identified as a potential area to provide this open space within Tunstall Square.

    Traffic studies undertaken by Council indicate that closing the Beverley Street entrance to the car park would have minimum impacts on traffic access into Tunstall Square.

    The potential closure of the road is an action of the Tunstall Square Structure Plan, which was adopted by Council in 2015. Council is now inviting submissions on the potential road closure to create a new public plaza and gathering space within the centre.

    What will the public plaza look like if the road is closed?

    The design of the proposed public plaza has not been determined and will involve further community consultation on what features or infrastructure is to be installed.

    An artists’ impression has been developed for the temporary (two week) closure of the road to transform it into a public plaza space, from Monday 7 March to Monday 21 March. The temporary closure will include space for seating, shade trees and soft synthetic grass surfaces, which will provide an idea of what the future space could look like.

    Please note, should community feedback indicate the road should be closed permanently; any permanent design features will involve further community consultation.

    What benefits will the public plaza provide for Tunstall Square traders?

    It is anticipated that the proposed public plaza space will support local businesses by attracting more visitors to Tunstall Square and encouraging shoppers to stay longer and enjoy what the centre has to offer.

    The public plaza will offer gathering space for visitors that can also be used for events and activities.

    Will the road closure provide additional space for footpath trading?

    The potential road closure is being considered to create an additional open space area within Tunstall Square and is in direct response to community feedback that more open, gathering space is required.

    The road closure will therefore not provide any additional footpath trading space for businesses. Current outdoor dining areas in the vicinity of the road will not be extended.

    The potential road closure will create a new public plaza and gathering space within the centre, to provide an opportunity for people to meet and congregate.

    Why is the road being closed temporarily?

    For a two week period during the time that submissions are being invited on the potential closure, the road formerly known as Shaw Street will be temporarily closed to traffic.

    From Monday 7 March to Monday 21 March the road will be closed for the purposes of community engagement and to provide visitors with an idea of the possibilities of the space.

    The temporary closure was decided at the Council meeting of 15 December 2015, where it was resolved to:

    1.  Commence the statutory process for closing the roadway in the Tunstall Square Activity Centre, between Beverley Street and the Tunstall Square west car park, to traffic, and, as an adjunct to this process

    2.  Temporarily close the subject section of road for a period of two weeks, for the purposes of community engagement regarding the development of the proposed public plaza, should Council ultimately resolve that way.

    What is the event on Saturday 12 March?

    The event on Saturday 12 March, from 10.00 am to 2.00 pm, will showcase the sort of activated activity that could occur in the public plaza open space in the future, should the roadway be permanently closed.

    This event is being organised by Manningham Council and will include games, face painting, balloon animals and a free barbecue.

    If the roadway is closed permanently, it is anticipated that future events could be arranged by local community groups or the traders’ association (subject to approvals). 

    What is a submission?

    A submission is a written statement that explains your views about a topic or proposal and how you may be affected if it goes ahead.

    How can I make a submission?

    Submissions must be made in writing. To make a submission, please use the "Make a submission" tab on the Your Say Manningham page, or send your submission to:

    The Manager, Engineering and Technical Services
    Manningham City Council
    PO Box 1, Doncaster, Victoria 3108

    Any person making a submission may request to make an oral presentation in support of their written submission. The Tunstall Square Road Closure Submissions Committee will consider all submissions and hear any persons wishing to be heard at a meeting on Wednesday 27 April 2016.

    Submissions close on Wednesday 13 April 2016.

    How will submissions be considered?

    Submissions will be considered by the Tunstall Square Road Closure Submissions Committee of Council at a meeting on Wednesday 27 April 2016.

    All persons who have made a written submission and requested to be heard will be provided with an opportunity to make an oral submission at this meeting.

    The committee will then prepare a report for Council to consider at a future meeting.

    How do I find out more?

    For more information about the potential road closure, please call Senior Traffic Engineer,Vijay Vijayakumar, on 9846 0594.

    Enquiries about the activation of the road during the temporary closure should be directed to our Co-ordinator Economic Development and Tourism, Ben Harnwell, on 9840 9338.

    For more information, visit the Your Say Manningham website page.