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  • Membership Retention & Acquisition - Delivered by MK Consulting

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    Topics covered in this session:

    • Unpack the latest participation data and trends impacting membership in community sport.
    • Understand barriers and motivating factors for sports participation to increase retention.
    • Learn how to grow and diversify your membership base.

    View presentation slides here

  • Latest Sport Participation Trends

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    Latest Sport Participation Trends and the focus for COVID-19 recovery

    Vicsport have, in partnership with the Physical Activity and Sport Insights (PASI) research group (Victoria University and Federation University) and with support from VicHealth and Sport and Recreation Victoria collaborated to bring you this research-based webinar.

    Hear from PASI Directors, Professors Rochelle Eime and Hans Westerbeek as they share the trends in participation pre-COVID and during COVID-19, highlighting the concerning declines amongst certain population groups as well as the specific health and wellbeing changes that have occurred amongst sports participants how these differ across populations groups.

    They are then joined for a panel discussion with Lisa Hasker (Vicsport CEO), Karen Pearce OAM (Executive Manager, Growth and Inclusion at Football Victoria), Owen Hulett (Head of Participation at Cricket Victoria) and Tamatha Harding (Head of Tennis Delivery at Tennis Victoria).