Playspace renewal projects for 2019/20
Manningham parks are maintained and renewed on a regular basis to provide a diversity of quality play and to provide a wide range of experiences.
Our parks are unique, so we try to cater for physical, social, imaginative and cognitive experiences for a range of ages and abilities, based on the needs of each reserve.
The 2019/20 playspace renewal program has identified the following sites for renewal and we want to hear from you on what's planned for these parks:
Allara Reserve in Donvale
Somerville Reserve in Doncaster
Dehnert Reserve in Doncaster East
Lynnwood Reserve in Templestowe Lower
Thea Reserve in Doncaster East
In addition to upgrading the equipment and amenities, like access paths, furniture, drinking fountains, shade trees, garden beds and playful landscape features, we want to make sure our parks meets the changing needs of our local community.
Please have your say and visit each reserve page to learn more as we progress through the project.
Consultation has concluded