Nature Plan project
- Climate change (i.e. bushfires from extreme weather events)
- Urban development and land use change (i.e. urbanisation)
- Invasive species (i.e. feral deer, rabbit, foxes and weeds)
- Pollution (i.e. stormwater pollution of our waterways)
What is a Nature Plan?
A Nature Plan is a high-level strategic document that guides Council's investment approach to enhancing and protecting nature in the municipality (both on public and private land) from 2025 to 2040.
A Nature Plan sets out a vision, targets and guiding principles to achieve biodiversity and tree canopy outcomes that can be monitored and measured for success. The Nature Plan builds on Council's environmental efforts and will establish additional activities to deliver on environmental action.
Why is Council developing a Nature Plan?
From habitat loss due to urbanisation and impacts from climate change to biodiversity decline, our ecosystems are facing growing challenges.
To help mitigate these challenges, we need an evidence-based plan with practical solutions.
The Nature Plan will also ensure Council complies with state and federal conservation legislation.
What pressures on nature can be anticipated moving forward?
Looking forward, we can expect several environmental pressures in Manningham, including:
These pressures on nature can be mitigated with a thoughtful program of intervention. These environmental pressures also highlight the need for a high-level strategic plan that protects and enhances Manningham's natural environment.
Phase 1: pop-up stalls
- Ruffey Lake Park
- Warrandyte Riverside Market
- 100 Acres Reserve
- their priorities in protecting and enhancing our natural environment
- the kind of Council support that would be most helpful to them
Where and when will the pop-up stalls be?
The pop-up stalls will run for one week between mid January until February 2025.
Locations include:
What is the purpose of the pop-up stalls?
The pop-up stalls provide an opportunity for residents to share:
The insights from these pop-up stalls will inform phase 2 of our engagement, which is an online survey.
How long will the pop-up stalls run for?
The pop-up stalls will run for one week from mid January until early February 2025.
Phase 2: online survey
- share their priorities in protecting and enhancing our natural environment
- share the kind of Council support that would be most most helpful to them
- agree or disagree with other people’s ideas
When will the survey open and close?
The survey will be open from early February until 28 February, 2025.
Who can complete the survey?
The survey is open to all Manningham community members (e.g. anyone who lives, works, studies or volunteers in Manningham).
What is the purpose of the survey?
Building upon the insights gathered in phase 1, the survey provides a chance for residents to:
Phase 3: community workshop
- Pop-up stalls
- Community survey
What is the purpose of the community workshop?
The community workshop aims to bring together diverse community voices to more deeply explore the priorities and trade-offs involved in protecting our natural environment.
The outcomes from this workshop will inform the recommendations in the Nature Plan’s ‘Action Plan’.
How are participants selected?
Manningham residents can express their interest via our website. Applications will open soon.
Participants will be selected through a process of random selection with relevant filters.
What are the dates for the Expression of Interest period?
Expressions of Interest are open from late January 2025 to 7 March 2025.
When will I be contacted about the outcome of the community workshop?
If you’ve expressed your interest in the community workshop, we will notify you of the outcome by Friday 14 March 2025.
What happens if I miss out, can I still get involved?
You may have already participated in this engagement:
Your contributions from these consultations will help guide the conversations in the 1-day workshop.
When and where will the workshop be held?
The one-day workshop will be held on Saturday 5 April from 9.00am to 4.00pm at Currawong Bush Park Function Centre, 277-285 Reynolds Rd, Warrandyte VIC 3113.
If I need assistance to participate in the community workshop, can this be organised?
Yes, please let us know as early as possible if you require assistance so we can work with you to support and accommodate your needs.
Will my input be confidential?
Yes, reporting of findings from the workshop will be de-identified. This means that we report on what has been said collectively, not individual contributions.
Will participants be reimbursed for their time?
Yes, all participants who attend for the entire duration of the workshop (9.00am to 4.00pm) will be reimbursed with a $50 Find Local voucher to reflect their time and contributions.