Montgomery Reserve is being upgraded works will commence Monday, 25 October 2021
We are pleased to inform you that Montgomery Reserve will be upgraded as part of Manningham Council’s Playspace Renewal Program. We will be undertaking works from Monday 24 October, access to the reserve will be unavailable while works are underway.
The works will occur between the hours of 7:30am and 5pm, Monday to Friday (although not necessarily every day) and are anticipated to be completed by late December 2021, weather and conditions permitting.
The proposed works are shown on the attached concept plan, please note minor furniture layout changes have been made to help improve the design, they include:
- New picnic shelter and banquet table
- New play elements including a spinner, climber equipment and swing
- Sensory garden, landscaping and additional tree planting
- A plaza area with a range of seating options
- Drinking fountain
- Improved access paths into and around the park.
This program is proudly supported by the Australian Government Local Roads and Community Infrastructure Program ($150,000) and the Victorian Government through the Suburban Parks Program ($60,000).
For more information please contact Nicole Liu, Senior Open Space Planner on 9840 9333 or email
Consultation has concluded