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Have your say on the draft Road Safety Strategy

Our Draft Road Safety Strategy 2025-2035 outlines our vision, objectives, and actions to improve road safety in Manningham over the next ten years. It was informed by feedback from last year’s community consultation, local road safety data and input from road safety partners. It also aligns with State and Federal strategies.

We’re seeking your feedback on the proposed actions and objectives within the draft strategy

Your input is essential in helping us refine the strategy, and ensure it reflects the priorities of all road users in Manningham.

Share your feedback by completing this survey before 21 February 2025.

After reviewing all feedback, we’ll make the necessary revisions and finalise the Road Safety Strategy and Action Plan. The final version will be presented for Council endorsement in early 2025.

Manningham City Council is fully committed to protecting any personal and health information you provide to us as per our obligations under the Privacy and Data Protection Act 2014 (Vic) and the Health Records Act 2001 (Vic). We are collecting this information for the purpose of evaluating community support for the draft Road Safety Strategy. It will not be disclosed to any other external party without your consent, unless required or authorised by law. You may request access to the information you have provided at any time and make corrections if you believe the information is incorrect. Please contact the Infrastructure and Sustainable Operations team via phone on 9840 9333 or email You may obtain a copy of our Privacy Policy and Health Records Policy on our website at: