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Thank you for taking part in our recent community consultation and providing your feedback on the Draft Road Safety Strategy.
This consultation closed on Friday 21 February 2025.
We'll update you on the consultation outcomes once we've reviewed and evaluated all submissions to the online survey.
If you have any questions about this project, call us on 9840 9333 or email
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Road improvements, targeted education and speed zone reviews are proposed as key priorities in our draft Road Safety Strategy 2025-2035.
We’re seeking your feedback on the draft strategy and action plan to ensure it accurately reflects community needs and concerns.
The strategy will serve as our roadmap for enhancing road safety and reducing traffic-related accidents, injuries and fatalities over the next decade.
It was informed by feedback from last year’s community consultation, local road safety data and input from road safety partners. It also aligns with State and Federal strategies.
Key proposed actions include:
- road safety audits in high-risk areas
- infrastructure upgrades
- speed limit reviews
- continual road user education
- updates to the Manningham Walking and Cycling Strategy
Complete our survey before Friday, 21 February.
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The Community Survey closed on Monday 17 June. We received 217 responses, and we thank everyone for taking the time to complete the survey.
We will now review the survey results and input from key road safety partners (Victorian Police, Department of Transport and Planning etc) and interested community groups.
We'll prepare the draft Road Safety Strategy and Action Plan, which will be considered by Council in August 2024.
Following the above, we anticipate that the draft Road Safety Strategy and Action Plan will be released for exhibition and public comments between September and October 2024.
We aim to finalise the Road Safety Strategy and Action Plan in early 2025 for Council adoption.
If you have any questions about this project, call us on 9840 9333 or email
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Understanding the lived experiences of our residents will be a crucial step to improving road safety in Manningham.
We're seeking your input on road safety issues to inform the development of its new 10-year Road Safety Strategy.
We'll use this feedback, along with the latest crash and incident data and feedback from Victoria Police and other road safety partners, to develop the strategy.
Since implementing the previous Road Safety Strategy in 2010, we've seen a downward trend in crash incidents. However, between 2017 and 2023, there were still 409 serious injuries and 11 fatalities on Manningham roads.
"We're striving for vision zero in Manningham, which means nobody is seriously injured or killed on our roads. Because one is one too many," said our Mayor, Councillor Carli Lange.
"We're taking a data-driven approach to road safety. Hearing from our community about their lived experiences is critical to ensure we can draw a bigger picture and help people feel safe on our roads."
Manningham's previous Road Safety Strategy delivered improvements to infrastructure through the Manningham Bicycle Strategy and roads program. It also supported the ongoing implementation of awareness and behavioural programs such as the Manningham-Whitehorse L2P program and Wise Driver program.
The new strategy will provide a framework and action plan that aligns with the Victorian and National Road Safety Strategies 2021-2030 and adopt Safe System principles to reduce crashes, particularly those involving pedestrians and cyclists. It will consider infrastructure maintenance and improvements, advocacy to state and federal governments, and road safety education and outreach programs.
The Transport Accident Commission is funding the strategy renewal under its Local Government Grant Program.
This survey will be open until 5.00pm on Monday, 17 June.
We will present the draft strategy for consultation via public exhibition later this year.
For more information on the Manningham Road Safety Strategy 2025-2034, visit the Your Say page.