Katrina Gully Reserve playspace upgrade - Consultation Feedback
Thank you to everyone who provided feedback on the concept design for the Katrina Gully Reserve playspace upgrade.
Your feedback will help us to develop our final design for the playspace and make sure this reserve continues to meet the needs of our local community. We will share the final design for the playspace in September.
Here's a summary of the feedback we received.
The strengths of the playspace include its:
- Variety of play equipment
- Improved shade sail and facilities
- Nature play area
Your suggestions for improving the playspace included:
- Considering more junior play equipment
Additional items:
We received recommendations to include a BBQ area, lighting and a waterplay area, but this will not be explored due to limited budget.
Rebound wall.
In the concept design we explored the option of a rebound wall, but due to limited budget, its inclusion will not be possible at this time. The new basketball court pad will remain.
What’s next?
The final design plan is currently being created and will be available in September. Construction will take place in late 2024.
Thank you for your contribution!
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