What is the Inclusive Manningham Strategy?
The Inclusive Manningham Strategy provides direction for Council to help enhance the inclusiveness of Manningham, act compatibly with human rights, and embrace and value our local diversity.
It focuses on inclusion issues surrounding disability, gender and sexual identity, ethnicity and culture, language and faith.
It sets four priority commitment areas to be focused on over the next three years and beyond:
1. Protect and promote human rights
2. Enhance our workplace culture and leadership
3. Provide the community with equitable opportunities for social and economic inclusion
4. Value diversity and be a welcoming community
It has an annual Action Plan that lists key actions that will be delivered to help deliver on these commitments.
Why do we need an Inclusive Manningham Strategy?
This Strategy provides us with guidance on how to enhance inclusiveness within our community and on how to deliver inclusive Council services.
It provides direction to help us comply with legislation and policy that directly relates to social justice, human rights, equal opportunity and inclusion.
What is Manningham Council’s inclusion role?
We have an important role to play in achieving an inclusive Manningham – through leadership, our workforce, community engagement, planning and design, support and advocacy, decision making, and local laws and regulation.
We also play a role in encouraging, supporting, partnering with, and building the capacity of other sectors of the community to be accessible, inclusive and welcoming.
Is this Strategy also Manningham Council’s Disability Action Plan?
Under Section 38 of the Victorian Disability Act 2006, Councils are required to have a disability action plan. This Inclusive Manningham Strategy and its Action Plan is our Disability Action Plan.
We have adopted an approach that values the diversity of our community members, recognise different attributes, and seeks to enhance opportunities for all.
What is the process of developing the Inclusive Manningham Strategy?
Phase 1. Review of Access, Equity and Diversity Strategy 2014-2017
Phase 2. Research into legislative requirements, policy, data and best practice
Phase 3. 1000's of Voices consultation - 6,000+ community comments outlining 'what was important to them in Manningham'
Phase 4. Consultation with the Access & Equity Committee and Councillors on strategic priorities
Phase 5. Consultation with Council Officers, key stakeholders, networks and the Access & Equity Advisory Committee to identify potential actions and targets
Phase 6. Public Exhibition of the Draft Strategy and Action Plan
How will Council decide what actions will be undertaken to achieve access and inclusion outcomes?
As part of our Action Plan, we are seeking existing opportunities in our work plans and projects to support access and inclusion outcomes.
What else is Manningham doing to make our community more inclusive and accessible?
Manningham’s commitment to enhancing inclusion and valuing diversity is long standing. The content of this Strategy builds upon the work of the three-year Access, Equity and Diversity Strategy 2014-2017.
In addition to the actions highlighted within the draft Action Plan, other cross-Council initiatives that are currently being implemented include:
- launch of a new Customer Charter
- an ongoing rolling upgrade of Manningham’s pedestrian network infrastructure to make it more accessible
- implementation of Manningham’s Reconciliation Action Plan
- review of Manningham's Recreation Strategy, with a focus on providing opportunities for diverse people to be active and connected
- encouraging fathers to participate in Maternal & Child Health Service visits
- engaging with sport clubs to help them build an inclusive culture
- supporting programs for diverse communities via our Community Grants
- operating as a ‘Migrant and Refugee Welcome Zone’ and investigating becoming a ‘Welcoming City’
- ensuring key Manningham decisions consider Human Rights legislation
- making Manningham Council a Breastfeeding Friendly Workplace
- considering how we can make our services more inclusive
- construction of the new, accessible, Mullum Mullum Stadium
When will the Strategy be implemented and next reviewed?
The Inclusive Manningham Strategy will be implemented over a three year period from 2018 to 2021.
Annual action plans will be developed.
It is anticipated the Strategy will be reviewed in 2021.
Does Manningham have an advisory group for access, equity and inclusion?
Yes, we have an Access and Equity Advisory Committee that meets bi-monthly.
For information visit manningham.vic.gov.au/access-and-equity
How do I provide feedback on the draft Inclusive Manningham Strategy and Action Plan?
Please complete our survey or make a written submission. Your responses are confidential.
You can access the survey online at yoursaymanningham.com.au
Hard copies of the survey, Strategy and Action Plan can be accessed at Manningham libraries and at the Manningham Civic Centre.
The survey and a summary of the Strategy, has been translated into six key community languages: Mandarin, Cantonese, Greek, Italian, Persian/Farsi and Arabic. The translated copies can be downloaded from our Your Say Manningham page.
You can provide your feedback in these languages or in English.
I need assistance completing the survey, who can I contact?
You can receive assistance in English by contacting 9840 9317 or in other languages by calling our interpreter service on 9840 9355.
What happens to my feedback?
Who should provide feedback?
How do I know my feedback has been received?
If you submit your feedback via our online survey, you will receive an automatic confirmation that your feedback has been received.
A summary of all feedback received will be provided on our website within one week of the consultation period closing.
When does this survey close?
Feedback for the draft Inclusive Manningham Strategy and Action Plan should be provided by 5.00pm, Monday 13 August 2018.
Who do I contact for more information?
For more information, please contact the Manningham Social Planning and Development Officer on 9840 9317