What is the purpose of the guidelines?

    Clear guidelines are needed to ensure that all traders adhere to the same set of rules when applying for a Footpath Trading permit and that pedestrian safety is prioritised.

    As a trader, how do the guidelines assist me and my business?

    The Guidelines will provide detailed guidance to traders about application processes and design requirements. The guidelines also include a number of ‘helpful hints’ for traders to maximise the use and attractiveness of the footpath area they are using.

    What are the major changes in the Guidelines?

    The major changes proposed are:
    •    a new maximum height of outdoor displays of 1.4m
    •    a new minimum distance of 1m between trading areas of neighbouring shops.
    •    a new vertical clearance for horizontal and vertical awnings to limit the visual enclosure of footpaths

    Where do the Guidelines apply?

    The Guidelines apply to all public footpaths on both public and private land in Manningham.

    I already have a Footpath Trading permit. Will I need to make changes?

    Permit holders who are affected by the changes can discuss design options and generous timelines for implementing changes with relevant Council officers. Changes for existing permit holders will be limited to items that present a risk to public safety and accessibility.

    Is there scope for flexibility?

    In some cases, yes. Council officers can lend assistance onsite to discuss design solutions for difficult locations. Once agreed to, these individual arrangements will be recorded and enforced.

    When will the guidelines be finished?

    Your feedback will be used to finalise the Guidelines. The final Guidelines will be distributed to all traders with an existing Footpath Trading Permit in May 2013 when their Permits are renewed. The final Footpath Tarading Guidelines will be available in May 2013 for the general public.

    How can I get a copy of the final guidelines?

    The document will be available for download on the Council website and copies will be supplied on request to interested traders, residents and trader representatives.