Why do we need a masterplan for the outdoor area at Aquarena?

    The outdoor pools at Aquarena were first built in 1969. Despite regular maintenance, they have reached the end of their useful life. With changing user needs, we aim to ensure the community will continue to enjoy the facility for many years to come. The Aquarena Outdoor Masterplan will provide a well-informed direction for any future development.

    What principles are guiding the redevelopment design?

    The Masterplan has set the vision for the design with the following principles:

    • Accessibility and inclusivity; create a space that everyone can enjoy, regardless of age, cultural background, gender, physical ability or socio-economic status. 
    • Maximising social and health benefits; enhance physical, mental and social wellbeing by providing a safe and welcoming environment that promotes intergenerational interactions, community connectedness and helps reduce social isolation. 
    • Offering high-quality facilities; implement creative and innovative design solutions that meet the needs of our community and users.
    • Financial viability; ensure our facilities are financially viable and sustainable, supporting long-term community needs.
    • Strategic alignment; ensure the redevelopment plans align with the objectives of relevant Council strategies, plans and policies.

    What will the Masterplan redevelopment deliver?

    • An enhanced outdoor water play and family area.
    • New outdoor change and shower facilities adjacent to the 50 metre pool, for public and school carnival use.  
    • More shade.
    • Improved accessibility with new pathways and ramps.
    • An upgraded café with indoor and outdoor seating, including an external deck and internal wet lounge for better connectivity and accessibility.
    • Enhanced spectator area adjoining the 50 metre pool.

    What's happening with the toddler pool area?

    The current toddler pool was built in 1969. It only has cold water and has reached the end of its useful life.

    We're relocating the toddler pool area next to the main building. We're getting rid of the pool and putting in a new and improved water play area. The new play area will be twice as big as the current one and will have all sorts of interactive and fun water features for kids to enjoy. Plus, it will be closer to the other outdoor amenities. 

    We're investigating the feasibility of a proposed ‘quiet pool’ for the area currently used as a toddler pool.

    What's happenning with the cafe?

    Improving the café area was the top community priority identified in our consultation. Located at the back of the centre, the existing café is small and has limited visibility and connectivity to the indoor areas. 

    We're relocating the cafe to seamlessly connect with both the indoor pool hall and outdoor area. It will offer indoor and outdoor dining to enhance opportunities for social interactions. The new location will also make room for an improved water play area and provide outdoor seating facing the other outdoor facilities.

    What's happening with the tiered grass and shelter area beside the 50 metre pool?

    We're seeing a growing demand to use this area for swimming events, school carnivals, and general relaxation for visitors. To meet this demand, we're improving the landscaping and adding shelter. We'll also build an access ramp to the tiered seating to make the space more accessible. New shade sails will protect more than 50 per cent of the seating from the sun.

    What's happening with the 50 metre pool?

    The 50 metre outdoor pool will be redeveloped with a new pool shell, ramp access and swim wall. 

    This upgrade will be delivered at the same time as the Masterplan redevelopment but funded separately under our Asset Renewal Program.

    What's happening to the diving pool?

    The Master Plan proposes removing the 1969 diving pool. Over time, the pool's condition has significantly deteriorated, and its usage has decreased significantly. Due to these low usage rates and the high costs associated with replacement and ongoing operations, it is recommended that the pool be removed.  

    The space will be repurposed to provide an area for the new change and shower facilities, a marshalling area for school carnivals, and a new pool plant and equipment

    What alternative design options were considered?

    • Location of the interactive outdoor water play area.
    • Location of the café due to positioning of underground services and ability to achieve the interface with the indoor pool hall.
    • Accessibility barriers to the proposed quiet pool due to its location.

    How much are we spending?

    The adopted 2024/25 Council budget includes $21.8 million towards the project.

    Why are you proposing to spend rate payers’ money on this project when there are other priorities?

    Our strategic vision centres on providing high-quality facilities to enhance community health and wellbeing. More than 700,000 people visit Aquarena each year to use facilities, services, and programs that cater to our diverse community. This outdoor redevelopment will ensure our community can continue to access and enjoy recreational and leisure opportunities for the next 20+ years.

    Who are the designers and builders for the project?

    Co-op Studio is the architect appointed for the outdoor redevelopment. They are experienced in the design of major sports, aquatic, and leisure destinations.

    How sustainable will the new area be?

    The redevelopment will incorporate sustainable design principles. This will include switching from gas boilers to energy-efficient assets. This will be a step toward meeting our emissions targets.