What happens if I made a submission?
All submissions were considered by Council on 27 February 2018.
Council resolved to refer all submissions to be considered by an Independent Panel appointed by the Minister for Planning.
All submitters will be kept informed of every key stage of the amendment process. This will in the form of a letter or email sent from either Council or Planning Panels Victoria.
What is an Independent Panel?
An Independent Panel is appointed by the Minister for Planning. The Panel includes experienced planners and other professionals with skills relevant to a particular amendment. Its main role is to review the submissions and provide independent advice to Council and the Minister about the amendment and any submissions referred to it.
Submitters will also be given the option to present at a Panel Hearing.
What is an Advisory Committee?
An Advisory Committee considers specific development proposals. In relation to Amendment C104, there will likely be a joint Panel and Advisory Committee to consider the submissions that relate to the Amendment and to the proposed Development Plan.
When will the Panel and Advisory Committee Hearing be held?
The Panel and Advisory Committee Hearing is scheduled for the week commencing 3 September 2018 and will be held over a 2 week period.
The Directions Hearing, which sets out the procedural matters in preparation for the Panel and Advisory Committee Hearing, is scheduled to be held on 19 July 2018.
Proposal and Timing
- An additional 43,000sqm of retail floor space and 18,000sqm of commercial office space generally in the northern part of the site
- A gateway building with a maximum height of ten to 14 storeys above a two level podium in the northwest corner of the site
- An enhanced and expanded bus interchange at street level, closer to Williamsons Road with provision for buses to do a loop within the interchange
- Improvements to vehicle and pedestrian access to and within the centre, including relocating the existing main vehicle entrance from Williamsons Road further north towards Westfield Drive
- Approximately 7,575 car parking spaces to be provided on site, which will be an increase of 2,793 spaces to what is currently provided, and new bicycle facilities
- Improved public spaces, including increased landscaping, new paving, and a new public forecourt that will provide a more defined entry to the centre.
- Incorporating the site at 20-34 Westfield Drive, Doncaster into the future expansion; this site is proposed to include a mix of car parking at the lower levels and dining, entertainment, leisure and retail shops at the upper levels.
- Changes to the traffic and access arrangements both within and outside of the centre complex
- Changes to the traffic and access arrangements into and out of Westfield Drive
- A new pedestrian entry point into the centre from Westfield Drive
- Relocating the ‘gateway’ tower further south within the centre site
- Reconfiguring the bus interchange to allow buses to do a loop
- Changes to the access point for the proposed new loading dock to be via Doncaster Road, which is the same as the existing loading dock.
- Changes to the map forming part of Schedule 1 to the Activity Centre Zone so that the property at 20-34 Westfield Drive, Doncaster forms part of the Westfield Doncaster sub-precinct 4A
- Changes to the Concept Plan that is proposed to form part of Schedule 4 to the Development Plan Overlay to incorporate the site at 20-34 Westfield Drive, Doncaster, the new access arrangements and acoustic treatments
- Updates to Clause 21.09 Activity Centres and Commercial Areas of the Municipal Strategic Statement to ensure that in addition to supporting the visual and capacity improvements, that there is support for ‘functional’ improvements to the bus interchange.
- Amend the Municipal Strategic Statement at Clause 21.09, Schedule 1 to the Activity Centre Zone, Schedule 1 to the Development Contributions Overlay, Schedule 1 to the Parking Overlay and the list of incorporated documents as they relate to Westfield Doncaster;
- Delete the existing Schedule 1 to the Incorporated Plan (IPO1) as it currently applies to Westfield Doncaster and 1 Grosvenor Street, Doncaster; and
- Apply a specific Development Plan Overlay (DPO4) to the whole of the Westfield Doncaster site and a Road Closure Overlay to the western end of the adjoining Westfield Drive.
- A site analysis which summarises the strategic planning context and existing conditions for the site
- A development Concept Plan which outlines the future development of Westfield Doncaster; and
- A summary of the economic benefits of the proposed development.
What is being proposed at Westfield Doncaster?
Scentre Group, as the owner and operator of Westfield Doncaster, is proposing an Amendment to the Manningham Planning Scheme and draft Development Plan to facilitate future development which would allow:
Have comments previously been sought from the community on the future plans for Westfield Doncaster?
Council previously sought comments on Amendment C104 and a draft Development Plan (V.21) for Westfield Doncaster in July 2016. Submissions received were forwarded to an Independent Panel and Advisory Committee appointed by the Minister for Planning.
At the request of Scentre Group, the Panel was adjourned to enable Council to consider their revised proposal for public exhibition.
Council is seeking feedback from the community on a revised Amendment C104 to the Manningham Planning Scheme and draft Development Plan (V.24) for Westfield Doncaster.
The revisions have been made as a result of the acquisition of an adjoining site at 20-34 Westfield Drive, Doncaster by Scentre Group (Westfield).
Figure 1: Newly acquired site at 20-34 Westfield Drive, Doncaster
What are the key changes from the original proposal, exhibited in July 2016?
A number of changes have been made to the draft Development Plan as a result of the acquisition of the site at 20-34 Westfield Drive.
The changes are predominantly to the north of the site.
A summary of the key changes to the draft Development Plan between July 2016 and the current proposal (October 2017) include:
There is no change to the retail floor area (43,000sqm) and commercial floor area (18,000sqm) or car parking rates from the original proposal.
Figure 2: Outline of key changes between Development Plan (V21) exhibited in July 2016 and Development Plan (V.24) exhibited in October 2017.
A summary of the key changes to the Amendment C104 documentation since July 2016 include:
Why is Westfield Doncaster preparing future plans to expand?
The future development of the centre responds to a number of land use and development objectives to be achieved within the Doncaster Hill Activity Centre, as set out in the Doncaster Hill Strategy (October 2002, revised 2004) which is aimed at providing high-density housing choices with access to high standard public transport, entertainment, retail, commercial and community facilities.
Scentre Group, as the owner and operator of Westfield has also indicated that the expansion proposed in the Development Plan will increase the space available to expand the mix of tenants and create new opportunities for retail, commercial and entertainment experiences, stating that:
Retail is a dynamic industry that is constantly responding to changing consumer preferences and commercial needs. This is evident in the retail structure surrounding Westfield Doncaster, with major developments under construction or proposed at Eastland, Chadstone, Knox and The Glen. For regional centres such as Westfield Doncaster, it is necessary not only to keep pace with change occurring, but to exceed standards and set new benchmarks, as proposed in the latest expansion scheme.
(Westfield Doncaster Economic Benefits Assessment, March, 2016, Executive Summary)
Scentre Group also anticipates that the expansion of the centre will provide many new employment opportunities.
What is a planning scheme amendment?
A planning scheme amendment is a change to a municipal planning scheme, in this case the Manningham Planning Scheme. The process that must be followed is set out in the Planning and Environment Act 1987.
Scentre Group has requested a change to the planning controls that apply to the Westfield Doncaster site so that the proposed development can be considered. This proposed change is known as Amendment C104.
What is Amendment C104?
Amendment C104 is a proposed change to the Manningham Planning Scheme.
The proposed change will revise and introduce new planning controls to the Westfield Doncaster sites at 619 Doncaster Road and 20-34 Westfield Drive, Doncaster, so that Manningham Council can consider the proposed new retail and commercial floor space.
Amendment C104 proposes to:
If approved, Amendment C104 would facilitate the future development of Westfield Doncaster.
What is a Development Plan Overlay?
An overlay is a planning control that guides development in addition to the requirements of a zone.
A Development Plan Overlay (DPO) requires an overall plan to be prepared for the land that it relates to; it is similar to a Master Plan. The Development Plan will guide future land uses, development and redevelopment change over a defined area and set out conditions for land uses and the new built form.
Some of the features of the draft Westfield Doncaster Development Plan include:
One of the key changes proposed as part of Amendment C104, is the introduction of a Development Plan Overlay to ensure that an overarching plan is used to guide future use and development on the Westfield Doncaster site.
When will construction commence?
Future development cannot commence until Amendment C104 has been approved by the Minister for Planning and the Development Plan has been approved by Council. Following approval of the Development Plan, planning permits will also be required.
Subject to the planning scheme changes and Development Plan being approved, and the relevant planning permits being issued, Scentre Group anticipates that construction will commence in 2019.
How long will it take to complete the development of the entire site?
Scentre Group is proposing that the development will occur in three stages, which are outlined in the draft Development Plan. Construction of all stages of work may take three years to complete.
What will the new gateway tower building be used for?
Scentre Group, as the owner and operator of Westfield Doncaster, has informed Council that the proposed tower building will likely contain commercial uses such as offices, suites or hotel type uses.
What new stores will there be?
Scentre Group, as the owner and operator of Westfield Doncaster, has informed Council that any redevelopment of the centre will likely reflect an expansion to the existing retail mix of fashion, food, restaurants and associated service tenants.
- Incorporating the site at 20-34 Westfield Drive, Doncaster into the future expansion. The site is to include a mix of car parking at the lower levels and dining, entertainment, leisure and retail shops at the upper levels (see Figure 5 for an artist’s impression).
- Relocating the gateway tower further south within the centre site, (see Figure 6 for an artist’s impression)
Will the existing part of the shopping centre change?
It is anticipated that only minor changes will be made to the existing buildings of Westfield Doncaster shown in dark grey in Figures 3 and 4.
Figure 3 Proposal for expansion, looking south-east across the site
How has the building envelope changed since the proposal was publicly exhibited in July 2016?
The key changes to the building envelope as shown in Figures 3 and 4, include:
The built form surrounding the centre shown in Figures 3 and 4 either reflects the current height of building or the maximum potential building height.
Will any parts of the new proposed development be taller than the existing?
The draft Development Plan proposes that the new gateway tower, located on the north-western corner of the site, will be approximately 15 metres taller than the existing tower on site. This will be the tallest building of the development. This building height is identified above in Figures 3 and 4 as RL 166.
What is RL, as referred to in Figures 3 and 4?
RL stands for Relative Level or Reduced Level, which is a surveying term used for building heights; it refers to the height or elevation above the point adopted as the site datum (reference point) for the purpose of establishing levels (relative to sea level).
Please note RL does not reflect metres from the ground on the site.
How will the proposal minimise impacts on neighbouring residential properties?
Any future development of Westfield Doncaster that is close to residential properties in Westfield Drive, Grosvenor Street and Roseville Avenue will be treated with a combination of setbacks, landscaping, acoustic walls and other acoustic treatments, to minimise any noise and visual impacts of the development.
The draft Development Plan also includes a range of guidelines that will apply to any future development proposed for the Westfield Doncaster complex. These guidelines address matters relating to building appearance, the interface of the building with residential properties, public spaces as well as pedestrian areas and landscaping.Figure 5: Artist’s impression of the northern façade interface with Westfield Drive properties, with potential future built form illustrated and existing conditions shown.
Will public spaces be provided?
A new entry forecourt/public plaza is being proposed along Williamsons Road providing access to the main entry into Westfield Doncaster, with a link from the expanded and upgraded bus interchange.
Key features of the public forecourt will include wide footpaths, outdoor seating with landscaping and interesting building façade to provide an attractive public space (see Figures 6 and 7).
Figure 6: Artist’s impression of the gateway tower building and potential façade treatment along Williamsons Road
Figure 7: Proposed public realm area / main pedestrian entry into the centre from Williamsons Road
Traffic and Transport
How will the traffic generated by the proposed development be managed?
There are a range of changes proposed to the vehicle entrances and road network surrounding Westfield Doncaster, including the bus interchange, to improve the efficiency of traffic flow in the area and improve access to the centre.
These changes are outlined in the responses to the following questions. VicRoads been involved in the preparation of the roadworks being proposed in the draft Development Plan.
Will there be changes to the main vehicle entrances?
The existing main signalised Williamsons Road intersection (north of the current Myer store) is proposed to be upgraded and relocated northwards to a new intersection near Westfield Drive.
The intersection just south of Westfield Drive has been identified in the draft Development Plan as the entry into the proposed northern access road. The northern access road will be the new main vehicle entry into the centre from Williamsons Road and will be contained on the Westfield Doncaster site (see Figure 8). Access into the car parks will be via a series of ramps. (refer to video)
Will vehicle access to Westfield Drive change?
The works associated with the new intersection near Westfield Drive, will require the closure of Westfield Drive at Williamsons Road.
Vehicle entry into Westfield Drive is proposed to be via a new service road entrance from the Northern Access Road immediately east of Williamsons Road (see Figure 8).
Vehicle exit from Westfield Drive will be via an exclusive exit ramp for Westfield Drive residents via the Northern Access Road to the Williamsons Road proposed signals (see Figure 9).
Residents will not incur fees when accessing the service road entrance into Westfield Drive or the exclusive exit ramp via the Northern Access Road to the Williamsons Road proposed signals.
Figure 9: Exit from Westfield Drive will be via an exclusive exit ramp for Westfield Drive residents via the Northern Access Road to the Williamsons Road proposed signals
See video of the proposed Westfield Drive resident vehicle access arrangements
Changes are being proposed at Bordeaux Street to prohibit right turns into and out of Bordeaux Street and remove the “U” turn movement into Williamsons Road northbound at the intersection of Bordeaux Street and Williamsons Road
This change is required to improve safety at the intersection with Williamsons Road.
Vehicle movements into Bordeaux Street and the northbound Williamsons Road service road and access to St Gregory the Great Primary School will be via a new signalised intersection on Williamsons Road at the Northern Access Road which will have a controlled “U” turn signal phase (see Figure 12).
Figure 12: Plan showing that movements into Bordeaux Street and the northbound Williamsons Road service road and access to St Gregory the Great Primary School will be undertaken via the new signalised intersection on Williamsons Road at the Northern Access Road under a controlled “U” turn signal phase.
How have the vehicle access arrangements at the Bordeaux Street / Northern Access Road / Williamsons Road Intersection Signals changed since the proposal was publicly exhibited in July 2016?
The previously exhibited plans showed three southbound traffic lanes along Williamsons Road at the new Northern Access Road (see Figure 13). The new plans show that the right turn into Bordeaux Street and the northbound Williamsons Road service road has been removed and relocated to the signalised intersection on Williamsons Road at the Northern Access Road via the provision of a controlled “U” turn signal (see Figure 12).
Figure 13: Originally exhibited arrangements allowed unsignalised U-turns along Williamsons Road from July 2016
Williamsons Road
A new signalised intersection is proposed on Williamsons Road exclusively for public transport bus access to the bus interchange (there will be no car access via this intersection) (see Figure 14).
Figure 14: Williamsons Road proposed bus interchange showing dedicated access and signalised pedestrian crossings
The existing signalised intersection to the south of the bus interchange on Williamsons Road will be retained for vehicle/car entry to the centre. In addition to the new internal access roads, modifications are proposed to improve accessibility across the centre, including ramps as shown in Figure 15. Links (ramps) between existing car parks are proposed to be significantly improved to provide full circulation within the centre between car parking areas.
Frederick Street
Revisions to traffic access at Frederick Street are being proposed. This includes removing the traffic signals and replacing them with a signalised pedestrian crossing (see Figure 16). This change aims to reduce congestion for traffic turning right out of the Westfield Doncaster Tower Street exit and to improve traffic flow along Doncaster Road.
The final traffic treatment for the intersection of Frederick Street and Doncaster Road is yet to be decided.
Figure 16: Doncaster Road and Frederick Street showing configuration of proposed signalised pedestrian crossing
Williamsons Road and Doncaster Road intersection
It is proposed to introduce a third right turning lane from Williamsons Road (north) to Doncaster Road (heading towards the city) and combine the existing kerb side left turn lane and straight through lane on the approach to the intersection (see Figure 17). The left turn slip lane from Williamsons Road into Doncaster Road (east) will remain.
These changes to the road network are being proposed to improve the operation of the intersection by assisting with the flow of traffic to ease congestion at the intersection and along Williamsons Road.
Figure 17: Williamsons Road and Doncaster Road Intersection
Will additional car parking be provided on site?
Yes. Currently Westfield Doncaster has approximately 4,782 car parking spaces and this is proposed to be increased to approximately 7,575 car spaces, provided in the form of multi-storey and basement car parks.
The number of car parking spaces allocated to different uses including retail (shop) and commercial (office) in the centre are proposed to be increased.
The car parking rate for shop uses will increase from 3.87 spaces per 100sqm to 4.17 spaces per 100sqm of leasable floor space, based on a whole of centre ‘shop’ assessment.
Amendment C104 also proposed introducing a car parking rate of 3.5 spaces per 100sqm for office uses. This rate is higher than for the remainder of Doncaster Hill, where the rate is three spaces per 100sqm.
These rates will be identified within the Manningham Planning Scheme through Schedule 1 to the Parking Overlay.
What is proposed for the existing bus interchange?
The current bus interchange accessed from Williamsons Road is proposed to be relocated closer to Williamsons Road, and will be designed to be at street level (see Figure 17).
The new bus interchange will have a total of nine bus bays and will be accessed via a dedicated signalised intersection off Williamsons Road.
The new bus interchange will include one articulated bus bay. Articulated buses are usually longer and have a larger capacity for passengers than a standard bus.
The bus interchange will be designed to provide a calm, pleasant and safe environment for all users. This will be achieved by the materials used, lighting and acoustic treatments, as well as providing shelter for weather protection including shade and shelter from rain.
The bus interchange will provide direct access into the proposed new entry forecourt to the centre and will include pedestrian and cycling connections.
In response to a request by Public Transport Victoria, the bus interchange has been modified to allow for buses to undertake a loop in the event that all bays are fully occupied.
Figure 18: Upgraded bus interchange showing configuration of nine bus bays and provision for buses to undertake a loop
Will pedestrian and cycling access to the site be improved?
A number of pedestrian and cycling improvements will be made to assist people to walk and cycle to the centre (see Figures 19 and 20).
Key improvements include new pedestrian crossings along Williamsons Road to better align with the way pedestrians walk to and from the centre and end of trip cycling facilities at key locations. Pedestrians and cycling access will also be improved from the north and will complement improvements previously made to access to the centre from the east.
There will also be a new pedestrian entry from Westfield Drive into the centre (see Figure 21).
Figure 19: Proposed pedestrian network and facilities including access points and traffic signals