What is the Domestic Wastewater Management Plan (DWMP)?

    The DWMP is a strategic document that identifies risks in relation to septic systems and their impact on public health and the environment and provides a framework to address those risks. 

    What is a septic tank system?

    A septic tank system treats and disposes of waste from toilets, bathrooms and kitchens and it is generally made up of: 
    •  Primary treatment – a septic (or settling) tank to separate liquid from solid waste. 
    •  Secondary treatment – a sand filter or treatment plant that treats liquid waste from the primary treatment tank into a suitable standard for disposal. 
    •  Tertiary treatment – disposing of treated wastewater into on-site agricultural drains (or some type of irrigation line). 
    60% of properties in Manningham discharge either treated effluent or untreated greywater to our stormwater system.

    Why do we still have septic systems?

    The  majority of septic systems (approximately 60%) installed in Manningham from the late 1950’s up until 1997 were temporary waste systems permitted to discharge treated black water or untreated greywater from site as an interim measure while the construction of Melbourne’s sewerage network was established.

    These systems were not designed as a sustainable long term solution and through Council’s inspection program, it is apparent that a large proportion of older systems have been found to be defective.

    It is also impractical and cost prohibitive to provide sewerage services to remote and larger rural properties. These properties usually have adequate land to apply their domestic wastewater onto.

    What will DWMP achieve?

    DWMP will address the impacts of domestic waste water on local creeks and streams by engaging with property owners on septic tank system and maintenance responsibilities.  We also advocate on behalf of the community to ensure they have access to sewerage infrastructure (or sewerage solutions) where appropriate.

    Why does this plan have to be reviewed?

    Council is required to review the DWMP every 5 years under Environment Protection Policy and statutory requirements.

    How will this plan affect me if I have a septic system?

    As a septic tank system owner, you have responsibilities for the operation, maintenance and connection to sewer (if available). If your septic system is broken, we will work with you and provide advice and direction on the best way to fix your system and comply.

    What work has Council done so far since the previous DWMP review?

    We have assessed over 4,700 septic systems.  The total number of inspections exceeds 10,500 since the program commenced in 2003.  These includes follow up of non-compliant systems, responding to complaints and assessing new installations.  Yarra Valley Water has provided sewerage services to Warrandyte, Templestowe, Wonga Park and sewerage will soon be available to Donvale residents.  Another 2,935 properties have been referred to Yarra Valley Water for inclusion onto their community sewer program.

    Who is involved in the review of this DWMP?

    We have engaged with the following stakeholders to review and provide feedback on the DWMP.

    ·  Yarra Valley Water (YVW)

    ·  Environmental Protection Authority (EPA)

    ·  Melbourne Water

    ·  Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning (DELWP)

    ·  Department of Health and Human Service (DHHS)