What are the benefits of introducing this new policy?

    We want to ensure a fair, transparent and equitable approach across all user groups. At the moment, there are a range of different policies that apply to groups, which means that not all groups are treated the same.  Additionally, our current policies are very complex.  We are looking to simplify things, so that it’s all in one document.

    The policy doesn’t mention fees. What will be the impact on our venue fees?

    The policy is about groups paying the right amount according to the criteria, rather than more or less.  That’s why we are asking for your feedback on whether we have the principles right, and whether we have the categories for discount right.

    Fees for community venues are set each year when the annual budget is drafted and put on public exhibition.  This is usually in April each year and is on our website. 

    Every community venue is different. How can you ensure that all groups will be treated fairly?

    The draft policy takes into account the ability of each user group to pay.  Council is looking to be fair by treating similar groups in the same way.  We also understand that some groups have exceptional circumstances or different needs and we have tried to build in some flexibility to the policy about this. 

    Aren’t community facilities free for hire by community groups? Don’t our rates pay for that?

    Costs of using community facilities are already heavily subsidised by your Council rates.  The fees that are charged gains back only a very small percentage of the actual cost of operating and maintaining a building.  The draft policy sets out the way that discounts get applied to ensure that everyone is treated fairly and equitably – and that it is clear how each concession amount is arrived at.

    One of the principles outlined in the policy is that everyone will be expected to pay something, even if it’s a very small amount.  There will be very few occasions where a group will not be charged anything at all for their use of a council building.  That way we can ensure that everyone is treated the same. 

    I’ve been a custodian of this facility for years and make upgrades from our own costs. Will I be considered for a greater discount in this case?

    We want to ensure a fair and equitable approach across all user groups. This is dependent on your user group categorisation, and council will take this into consideration.

    Does Council make money off hiring out community facilities?

    All monies earned from hiring out community facilities go back into covering a small proportion of the cost of maintaining those facilities for the community.  With more than 400 buildings to maintain, Council is trying to ensure that facilities stay in good shape so that they can be enjoyed by all in our community.

    Can we still work with Council to ensure we’re allocated into the correct category?

    Your feedback is important to us.  We need to know if we have the fundamental principles right in the policy. We want to ensure the categories are right and that every group is being treated fairly under this proposal. If would like to tell us anything else, please complete the survey or submit a submission by 19 July.

    Your feedback will be considered before the draft policy gets finalised and presented to Council for endorsement.