Your feedback on Ronald Reserve
Late last year, we sought feedback from local residents and visitors to Ronald Reserve to help inform a concept plan for a reserve upgrade.
This included preliminary discussions with local residents as part of our Parks Alive program, which was followed by consultation on a proposed concept plan during November and December.
Some of the overall themes of the feedback received included:
- The reserve’s open grassed area and proximity is valued by local residents
- Requests for more challenging and interesting play equipment
- Requests for a safe playspace for grandparents who often mind their grandchildren
Feedback that has been incorporated into the concept plan, includes:
- Creating a more welcoming entry with new concrete path and landscaping that will also solve the surface water flow issues
- New challenging climbing unit
- New park seat and picnic table
- Retaining grassed areas for ball games
As part of the Parks Alive program, a new storytime chair, tyre steppers and a little library have been incorporated in the concept plan to encourage intergeneration play among grandparents and their grandchildren.
View the final concept plan for Ronald Reserve.
Consultation has concluded