About the project
- A social room with toilet amenities, a kitchen and access to a large viewing balcony.
- 4 change rooms with toilet and shower amenities.
- Umpire and timekeeper rooms.
- Universal amenities and access to the facility.
Why are we building a new facility?
In 2012, Manningham Council together with the community determined the need for a new sporting facility at Rieschiecks Reserve to accomodate the needs of Cricket and Football clubs .
What will the new sports facility include?
- 7.00am to 6.00pm on weekdays
- 7.00am to 1.00pm on Saturdays.
Will there be any disruptions to current Reserve facilities?
We do not anticipate any impact to current facilities at the Reserve. The site for the new sports pavilion is currently a greenfield site located well away from any existing facilities. The works site will be safely horded off during construction.
When will the works occur?
Works will occur on site according to Environmental Protection Agency guidelines between:
Please note, works outside of these hours may be required.