Draft Reconciliation Action Plan 2023 - 2025

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Consultation has concluded


We have developed an Innovate Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) for formal endorsement by Reconciliation Australia.

Community engagement has concluded and the draft Manningham Reconciliation Action Plan 2023 - 25 has was endorsed at the Council Meeting on 25 October 2022. It will now be sent to Reconciliation Australia to be endorsed.

Read our Draft Reconciliation Action Plan 2023 - 2025. Let us know if you need this in another format.

Our two year Innovate RAP outlines the shared approach Council will take to work alongside First Nations peoples to advance reconciliation in our workplace and across the Manningham municipality.

Council recognises that everyone has a role in working towards Reconciliation.

We are inviting all First Nations people, reconciliation partners, Council staff and Manningham community members, to be part of the development of Council’s Reconciliation Action Plan to ensure the journey we take together is grounded in shared decision-making, fairness, respect and trust.

The Five Dimensions of Reconciliation

Council's RAP will be measured against these aspects of reconciliation:

Race Relations

All Australians understand and value Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander and non-Indigenous cultures, rights and experiences, which results in stronger relationships that are based on trust and respect and free of racism.

Equality and Equity

First Nations people participate equally in a range of life opportunities and the unique rights of First Nations people are recognised and upheld.


An Australian society that values and recognises First Nations cultures and heritage as a proud part of a shared national identity.

Institutional Integrity

The active support of reconciliation by the nation's political, business and community structures.

Historical Acceptance

All Australians understand and accept the wrongs of the past that occurred, and their impact on First Nations peoples. Australia makes amends for past policies and practices and ensures these wrongs are never repeated.

The consultation on our Manningham Innovate Reconciliation Action Plan closed on 31 July 2022.

Thank you for your input, your feedback will be considered along with information gathered from Traditional Owners, First Nations communities, key stakeholders and service providers.


We have developed an Innovate Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) for formal endorsement by Reconciliation Australia.

Community engagement has concluded and the draft Manningham Reconciliation Action Plan 2023 - 25 has was endorsed at the Council Meeting on 25 October 2022. It will now be sent to Reconciliation Australia to be endorsed.

Read our Draft Reconciliation Action Plan 2023 - 2025. Let us know if you need this in another format.

Our two year Innovate RAP outlines the shared approach Council will take to work alongside First Nations peoples to advance reconciliation in our workplace and across the Manningham municipality.

Council recognises that everyone has a role in working towards Reconciliation.

We are inviting all First Nations people, reconciliation partners, Council staff and Manningham community members, to be part of the development of Council’s Reconciliation Action Plan to ensure the journey we take together is grounded in shared decision-making, fairness, respect and trust.

The Five Dimensions of Reconciliation

Council's RAP will be measured against these aspects of reconciliation:

Race Relations

All Australians understand and value Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander and non-Indigenous cultures, rights and experiences, which results in stronger relationships that are based on trust and respect and free of racism.

Equality and Equity

First Nations people participate equally in a range of life opportunities and the unique rights of First Nations people are recognised and upheld.


An Australian society that values and recognises First Nations cultures and heritage as a proud part of a shared national identity.

Institutional Integrity

The active support of reconciliation by the nation's political, business and community structures.

Historical Acceptance

All Australians understand and accept the wrongs of the past that occurred, and their impact on First Nations peoples. Australia makes amends for past policies and practices and ensures these wrongs are never repeated.

The consultation on our Manningham Innovate Reconciliation Action Plan closed on 31 July 2022.

Thank you for your input, your feedback will be considered along with information gathered from Traditional Owners, First Nations communities, key stakeholders and service providers.