
    • The Planning Scheme identifies locations where employment generating uses are encouraged to locate. These are generally areas that are within or near activity centres, are close to residential areas, and are well serviced by public transport.
    • In 2016, 52,818 Manningham residents were employed and 73% of these workers travelled outside the municipality for their employment. The municipality contained 28,927 jobs with the top two industries being health care and social assistance, and retail trade.
    • Manningham has a high proportion of home-based businesses which represent approximately one third of all of Manningham’s businesses.
    • The Melbourne Industrial and Commercial Land Use Plan 2020 identified that Manningham needs to accommodate at least 9,000 jobs and 84,000 square metres of additional commercial floorspace between 2016 and 2031.
    • The COVID-19 pandemic has increased the proportion of residents working from home, reducing the proportion of residents travelling to and from work.