What is the Liveable City Strategy?

    The Liveable City Strategy 2040 (LCS) is an aspirational vision to help shape the future of the municipality over the next 20 years. The Strategy provides a high level strategic urban design framework for improving the liveability of Manningham for all residents, across our urban/suburban neighbourhoods to our rural areas – providing choice in how we live, work and play. The Strategy covers the following key directions:

    • Vibrant Activity Centres
    • Thriving Employment
    • Housing Choice and Distinct Communities
    • Greening Our City
    • Sustainable Transport and Travel Mode Choice
    • Building Social and Cultural Connections.

    The Strategy aims to enhance liveability through providing ready access to activity centres, housing choice, employment opportunities, public transport, parks, and community spaces.

    A key concept in the Strategy is the ‘20 minute neighbourhood’ and ‘living locally,' which is a core principle of Metropolitan Melbourne’s Plan Melbourne 2050. The aim of a '20 minute neighbourhood’ is to create a place where people can meet most of their daily needs within a 20 minute walk from home, with safe cycling and local transport options.

    The Strategy is comprised of a Summary Report for community consultation and a more detailed Technical Report, primarily for use by Council officers.

    Why was the Liveable City Strategy developed?

    The Liveable City Strategy was developed to support Manningham to continue to evolve as a liveable, resilient and desirable place. The Strategy helps Council respond to the pressure for development, and strengthens the distinct urban, suburban and peri-urban/rural character across different parts of Manningham.

    How was the Liveable City Strategy developed?

    The Liveable City Strategy has been developed from extensive community engagement and a comprehensive review and analysis of existing conditions and future trends, strategies, policies, plans and guidelines. 

    The Strategy has been prepared by planning and urban design consultants Kinetica in collaboration with Manningham Council, MGS Architects, Macroplan, Movement & Place Consulting, and TCL.

    What is Imagine Manningham 2040 and how does it relate to the Liveable City Strategy?

    Imagine Manningham 2040 (IM2040) was an extensive community engagement project undertaken in 2019 that captured the views of a wide cross-section of Manningham’s diverse and varied community. The findings from the Imagine Manningham 2040 engagement helped develop the draft Liveable City Strategy.

    What consultation has occurred to date on the Liveable City Strategy?

    The vision and principles of the Liveable City Strategy have been developed from the findings of the community engagement Imagine Manningham 2040

    The Liveable City Strategy has also been shaped by input from Councillors, focus group sessions, various Council departments, Council Advisory Committees, feedback from State Government departments, and the Wurundjeri Woi Wurrung Cultural Heritage Aboriginal Corporation.

    Between November - December 2021, we sought feedback on the draft Liveable City Strategy from the community and key stakeholder. We received 360 submissions, which has informed the development of the Final LCS.

    When will the Liveable City Strategy be implemented?

    The Liveable City Strategy will be implemented over the next 20 years. The Strategy includes actions for the short (0-5 years), medium (5-10 years), and long term (10-20 years). The actions will be regularly monitored over this time.

    How does Council manage residential development and in particular apartments?

    In line with Plan Melbourne Council directs the highest density development to occur along main roads and surrounding activity centres, where there is good access to shopping, services, facilities and public transport. These areas make up approximately 17% of all residential land within the municipality.

    A further 45% of all residential land in urban areas is identified for incremental change. Whilst multi-unit development cannot be precluded from these areas, Council requires a greater area within developments to be provided for private open space and the opportunities for the establishment of canopy trees to contribute to the leafy residential character of Manningham.

    Does the Liveable City Strategy consider the impact of COVID-19?

    Manningham Council recognises the ongoing impact COVID-19 has on the health and wellbeing of our community. This Strategy considers the current pandemic and post-pandemic environment and seeks to help Council and the community respond to the challenges and opportunities facing the municipality over the next 20 years.