Why is Council demolishing the house at 14 Roseville Avenue?

    Council purchased the property quite a few years ago with the express intention to expand the reserve and provide a valuable pedestrian link to surrounding streets. This will improve access to the reserve, Westfield Shopping Centre, Bus Interchange, Schools and other community facilities.

    What is the rationale behind this proposed development of the reserve?

    The Manningham Open Space Strategy 2014 identified that due to the growing population of Doncaster Hill five reserves (new or expanded existing ones) were required to provide adequate levels of green open space, playgrounds and other park facilities. The extension of the reserve using 14 Roseville Av allows for a new foot path link as well as upgraded park facilities.

    What is proposed within the expanded reserve?

    A 1.5m wide concrete foot path for pedestrians to access the reserve, surrounding streets and facilities.

    Solar powered lighting along the existing path for improved safety

    New park furniture including 2 picnic tables

    Extra junior play items to the existing playground that is remaining

    A drink fountain with dog bowl

    More trees and shrubs including some citrus trees to add to the existing lemon tree

    How can I comment on the Concept Plan and what will happen?

    Provide any comments and ideas you have in the feedback field by 27 March 2022. Council will consider all comments and refine the plan if deemed necessary. Once the Plan has been finalised it will be advertised on Council’s website and signs placed in the park indicating when construction will commence.

    When will construction commence?

    The demolition of the house at 14 Roseville Av is scheduled for May 2022 and subject to final designs, contractor and material availability construction works should commence in May and be completed by July 2022.