Replace the ‘Opening prayer, Acknowledgement of Country and Statement of Diverse Backgrounds and Cultures’ with ‘Welcome’ under ‘Order of Business’.

    We’re proud of Manningham’s rich diversity of cultures, backgrounds and beliefs. To be more inclusive, we’re removing the provisions around what must be said as part of the welcome. How the Council meeting is opened will be at the Mayor’s discretion.

    Change the number of Councillors required to move a Notice of Motion from one (1) Councillor to two (2) Councillors.

    This change would require two Councillors to jointly move a Notice of Motion, instead of just one person moving it, or a mover and seconder. This aims to ensure that any motions presented to Council are preliminarily supported, adding validity and rigour to the process.

    Empower the Chair to disallow a question during Public Question Time, if the question differs to the written question submitted before the Council meeting.

    When we receive a written question for Public Question Time, we gather the information we need to provide a meaningful response at the Council meeting. If a question differs from the written response, we may not have the necessary information. 

    It should be noted that this is a discretionary power only, and it is up to the meeting Chair to decide whether the question is disallowed, taken on notice or answered during the meeting. 

    Increase the number of signatories of a petition from one signatory to five written, or 10 online signatories.

    This change will add legitimacy to any actions taken by Council as a result of a petition, by demonstrating there is base level support from the community.

    Include a formal commitment to providing a written response to the lead petitioner for any petition tabled at a Council meeting. Include a recommendation that this written response be presented at the next Council meeting.

    By formalising how we respond to issues raised by our community, we will improve transparency.