Why is the playspace being upgraded?

    This upgrade is part of the Playspace Development Program and Donvale Reserve Management Plan 2013, specifically under actions This action recommends:

    “Upgrade the playspace (when required) to include a wider variety of play opportunities including traditional and natural play elements, landscaping, and natural shade. In addition to this consideration to be given to fitness equipment."

    The upgrade will incorporate traditional and natural play elements, landscaping, and natural shade to create a more engaging and enjoyable environment for visitors. 

    Following the recommendation to consider fitness equipment, this upgrade will also include a fitness hub to promote healthy physical activity among visitors. 

    Will the playspace be relocated?

    No, the playspace will not be relocated but will be expanded to include a larger play area, whilst protecting and incorporating the surrounding mature trees.

    The current location of the playspace is ideal as its situated away from the main road with excellent natural shade and viewpoints. It's easily accessible to visitors from the carpark, local pedestrians, and all sports club users.

    There's also infrastructure and facilities that are more accessible at the current location with close path connections to the toilets and BBQ area. 

    What will the outdoor fitness hub include? Where will it be located?

    The new outdoor fitness hub will include various fitness equipment suitable for many fitness levels and age groups
    . The equipment will provide a complete workout to promote physical activity among visitors.

    The proposed hub will be next to the playspace area, near the oval footpath and toilet facilities. This location was chosen as it's close to the playspace and existing amenities, making it convenient for visitors.

    Will the upgraded playspace impact existing trees?

    No, the playspace upgrade will not harm any existing trees. These trees are a valuable park feature, providing shade and contributing to the natural environment.

    Will there be a new playspace in the northern part of Donvale Reserve?

    No, an additional playspace is not included in this proposed upgrade. The Donvale Reserve Management Plan 2013 recommends various actions to manage the reserve effectively. Action of the Management Plan recommends:

    Install a playspace in the north of the Reserve, subject to external funding

    Will the existing basketball and netball facilities be upgraded?

     No, the netball and basketball courts are outside of the project scope. 

    How can I have my say on the proposed improvements to the playspace and the new outdoor fitness hub?

    We have listened to your thoughts and ideas for the playspace upgrade and fitness hub at Donvale Reserve, and developed a concept plan for community feedback. Please provide your feedback here , with consultation closing after the 13 June.

    All feedback received during the consultation process will be carefully considered to ensure that the upgraded playspace and outdoor fitness hub best meets the needs of the community.

    When will the construction works begin?

    We expect construction works will take place in early 2024.