Review of concept plan
Share your thoughts on the Donvale Reserve playspace and fitness hub concept
Thank you again to everyone who contributed to our first round of consultation. We were pleased to receive over 60 responses summarised in our previous news update.
Have your say on the upgrade
We’ve used this feedback to develop the draft concept plan, and we want to know what you think.
Upgraded Playspace
The proposed design provides new garden beds and trees while maintaining the large open lawn area the community loves. It introduces more play opportunities with a new combination unit as well as stand alone pieces and nature play.
New Fitness Hub
In the proposed design, the new fitness hub is located along the path at the southern end of the playspace. It has four static fitness stations to work the upper, middle, and lower body for a range of age groups and fitness levels.
Images above are indicative only.
Feedback closes on Tuesday 13 June, 2023.