What are the main areas covered in the Domestic Animal Management Plan?

    The main areas covered in the Domestic Animal Management Plan include:

    • Registration and identificatuion
    • Nuisance complaints
    • Dog attacks/dog confinement
    • Dangerous, menacing and Restricted Breed dogs
    • Overpopulation and high euthanasia
    • Domestic animal businesses
    • Training of authorised officers

    What is the purpose of the Domestic Animal Management Plan?

    The Plan will provide a framework for Council’s animal management services for the next four years.

    Why do you need the public to comment on it?

    Cat and dog ownership in Australia is one of the highest in the world. There is considerable evidence to show that pets increase people’s sense of safety, they promote social interaction and improve an owner’s health.

    Harnessing these benefits of animal ownership and maintaining the ability of the community to continue to responsibly own cats, dogs and other pets is an ongoing role for Council.

    We encourage residents – pet owners and non-pet owners alike – to tell us what they think about our draft Domestic Animal Management Plan so they can have some input to Council’s future plans.

    Why does Council need a Domestic Animal Management Plan?

    The Domestic Animal Management Plan aligns with Council’s objectives to foster a safe place to live for all ages and abilities and supports a socially inclusive and connected community that promotes health and wellbeing through a range of high quality services.

    It also takes into account Council’s Generation 2030 Community Plan to be a well connected, harmonious and safe community and city.

    What can I comment on?

    We’re asking the public to let us know whether anything needs to be removed, modified or added to the ‘Future’ sections of the Domestic Animal Management Plan. Consultation closes on 28 February.

    What happens next?

    Once the submissions have been considered, the proposed Domestic Animal Management Plan with any recommended changes will be endorses by Council for adoption.