Why are the facilities at Burgundy Reserve being upgraded?

    The Burgundy Reserve infrastructure upgrade is supported in part by the Victorian Government through the New and Upgraded Dog Parks Program. We have received $400,000 in grant funding to improve facilities at Burgundy Reserve for dogs and their owners. 

    A playspace and shelter upgrade as well as a new public toilet are being delivered concurrently as part of Council's capital works budget. 

    What is being upgraded under the grant funding?

    The works will be funded in part by a $400,000 State Government Program Grant - Round 1 of the New and Upgraded Dog Parks Program and by Council's Capital Works Program. 

    This funding program is to provide improved facilities for dogs and their owners. The funding will cover:

    • new chainmesh fence along Burgundy Drive
    • new shared path connecting Cellar Way and Burgundy Drive with path lighting to improve night time access
    • upgraded paths
    • upgraded shelter
    • drinking fountain with dog bowl and a new rubbish bin. 

    We are aligning these works with a playspace upgrade and a new public toilet that are scheduled as part of Council's capital works program between 2024 and 2026.

    Why are you adding a toilet to Burgundy Reserve?

    The current temporary toilet is not meeting the needs of reserve users. Clean, functioning toilets mean people can enjoy more time in our public open spaces. A new toilet has been nominated in this location as it will improve the overall amenity of the reserve and meet increasing demand for use. 

    Can the toilet be moved to a different location?

    This location has been proposed in line with Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) principles, being on flat land it is easily accessible, and there is good passive surveillance, for example the entrances can be clearly seen across the park. 

    What type of shelter are you going to install?

    We are proposing a new 4m x 6m shelter that will complement the existing look and feel of the reserve. It will be moved to a more central location so that dog owners can use the facility with better overview of the park. We will update you with the final shelter designs in mid 2025. 

    Can the shelter be moved to a different location?

    Burgundy Reserve is an active space with multiple users. The proposed shelter location has been nominated as it will provide dog owners and park users a good vantage point over the park. Being on flat land, the proposed location will also complement the playspace and allow for activities such as birthday parties or for carers to have a comfortable place to rest and watch over the playspace.

    Why is the playspace being upgraded?

    The last major upgrade at Burgundy Reserve happened over 20 years ago and the current play equipment is at the end of its useful life. This project provides new opportunities to upgrade the playspace for children of varying ages. The playspace is already programmed as part of Council's capital works delivery between 2024 and 2026.

    Will this playspace be fully fenced?

    Yes, the playspace will be fully fenced. 

    Can the location of the playspace be changed?

    We have nominated the new location because it can accommodate a bigger area for the new playspace and better play opportunities on the flat land.