Consultation update – Burgundy Reserve upgrade – September 2024

Thank you to everyone who provided feedback on the proposed upgrade at Burgundy Reserve.

Your feedback and ideas will help inform the final designs for this reserve.

Summary of key findings:

  • Most people who completed our survey live in the local area and use the reserve very often, primarily for exercise.
  • 61% of respondents support the proposal and the project will continue.
  • The main reason for support was an upgrade of the existing facilities and incidental benefits such as better year-round use and safety.
  • There were many great ideas to improve the concept plan and the playground, these will be considered against site conditions and budget availability to determine what can be included in the final design.
  • There were some requests to change the location of proposed infrastructure. This will be reviewed as we develop the plan, there are several site restrictions such as slope, easements and playing field requirements that may limit the potential for major changes.

Next steps

  • We will finalise the concept plan and develop a playground design based on our respondents’ feedback.
  • We will provide a project progress update in early 2025 and to test the playground design.

Further information

  • You can read the consultation summary and analysis report here.
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