What is the Council Plan?

    The Council Plan states our vision, mission and priorities for the next four years, and how we will deliver and measure our success in delivering that Plan.  

    What is the Municipal Public Health and Wellbeing Plan?

    Manningham’s Municipal Public Health and Wellbeing Plan (Healthy City Plan 2013/17) aims to create a municipality that strives for an active, connected, safe and equitable community that embraces healthy living and participates in our valuable natural and urban surrounds.

    How are these plans developed?

    Manningham City Council has a number of plans that need to be reviewed as a requirement of the Local Government Act

    In developing these plans Council will:

    1.  Consult with the community and key partners on their priorities 

    2.  Review existing commitments, plans and resources, as well as influencing factors over the next four years, including population changes and evidence on best practice

    3.  Develop draft Plans for consultation. 

    How do I find out more?

    For more information on the 1 Manningham consultation, please call the Strategic Governance Unit on 9840 9489. 

    What kind of things do each of the key themes relate to?

    Environment - For example air, water, natural reserves parks and gardens

    Places and Spaces - For example buildings, housing, shops, playgrounds, facilities, roads, pathways and transport

    Community - For example sense of community, education, safety, participation, leisure and entertainment

    Governance - For example council leadership and organisational performance

    Economy -  For example employment, living costs, business development, tourism and income